You are a Divine Being!
The human body is a miracle...
You are a divine being.
I simply refuse to subscribe to the idea that all the ailments and issues plaguing our modern world are random.
It's not how nature works.
There is rhythm. There is harmony. There is a system in place.
We once knew this, but we have forgotten.
And now, The Divine and all of nature is asking us to remember - showing us clues.
The human body is nature & spirit. When your body receives what it needs, it will work for you.
It will move into healing and repair.
Deep Healing is not about fixing what is wrong, but about remembering what is right. And coming back into harmony with that rightness which exists inside of you already!
When we can re-shape this paradigm, the landscape of health will change radically (This is why I created my certification school, @embodiedhealingsystems - waitlist link in bio).
Healing is not just possible - it is what you are designed to do.
Remember. Remember. Remember.