Heal For Real Podcast-Episode 80- Self Compassion and accepting the impact of trauma

This week I am talking to my client, Stephanie Rosenfield, Mom coach for moms who want to stop losing their shit and start enjoying motherhood! Steph is hilarious and has overcome so much in her life. Her commitment to her personal healing, growth and development is so inspiring. And, her deep passion for her incredible work is truly FELT!

In this episode we talk about: 

What Steph has found most valuable about this nervous system work

What Steph found most surprising about this work
Self-Compassion as it relates to accepting the lasting impact of trauma 

Integrating mindset work with body work to create a felt-sense of lasting change

Getting away from the “shoulds” and moving into acceptance when it comes to emotions
And lots more!

Enjoy the episode!

Work With Steph: https://www.stephaniercoaching.com/
Follow Steph on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Stephanie.Rosenfield/ 


Email Shyla: [email protected] 

Apply for The School of Embodied Healing Systems: www.shylacash.com/embodiedhealingsystems 

Work with Shyla 1-1: www.shylacash.com
Follow Shyla on Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange  


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