Watch the live video replay on instagram here
Since I placed my trust in Christ, my business has been consistently transforming as I have surrendered layer upon layer to Jesus.
For over 2 years now, it has been a journey of wrestling, seeking God, being sensitive to the Spirit, and sometimes delaying obedience in the direction I receive from God.
He is so patient with me.
But each time I have followed God He has been gracious and faithful.
Last year He gave me a vision for something new: Heart to Christ.
He began to show me that he wanted me to teach and speak about topics for people who are coming out of various life backgrounds and into the Gospel and the Body of Christ.
I knew it was going to be a lot of teaching and breaking down concepts from Scripture to bridge the gap for people - healing, apologetics, cultural commentary etc.
However, as time unfolded I realized that it was more than that.
The Lord was asking me to share my journey with Him in the deep places.
He was calling me to speak from the New Heart he has given me and share my own journey of healing, sanctification and consecration with God.
The idea of this ministry felt vulnerable, daunting and scary and I felt very inadequate and still do.
But I feel that the Lord wants to put His glory on display through the broken parts of me that are being made whole by His grace alone.
Even with this deep knowing, I fought it inwardly. Focusing on fears, insecurities and circumstances rather than on trust in Jesus.
Now, it has come to a time where the Lord is asking me to completely take what He has shown me with Heart to Christ Ministries and move forward with it with the same dedication and fervour that I placed into my own fleshly business for many years.
Honestly it’s taken me way too long to reach this place .God is just good.
I am repentant before the Lord around this and grateful for His constant patience, gentleness and mercy with me as His daughter.
It has become clear that the Lord is calling me out of my former business life and into a brand new season of ministry with Heart to Christ.
I do not know all the answers at this point as this is very much a leap of faith and I am relying here upon Gods strength and not my own.
Instead of my structured rigid plans and ideas, I am trusting with faith in the direction of the Lord to take this first step of faith. And to be led by the Spirit rather than by my stubborn flesh.
With regards to business - if you are a current client I will carry out my services with you as normal.
Otherwise: I will no longer be focusing on the nervous system or somatic work in my work with clients or any future programs that I do.
The Lord is taking me in a new direction here. And He desires the healing I teach to come from the Spirit and the Word.
I want to note that this is God's specific calling for me at this time and is not a statement or judgement about other believers who are in the field of the nervous system, sciences, psychiatry, and therapy/personal development.
He has revealed to me specifically that much of what I learned in the world has actually become a stronghold which is holding me back from the deeper things of God.
For now, the only way to work with me will be first through an initial single session 1-1.
And, if you desire to work with me for longer periods of time after being in that initial session there is a 5 session package available.
More details will be available in the coming days.
These sessions will be fully founded upon Gods Word and Spirit as this is the bedrock of my life now and like Paul said - I desire to know nothing among you except Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2).
There may be more programs in the future if/when the Lord releases me to do so.
I believe this is a season in the body of Christ that involves much deeper pruning than ever before.
I feel The Lord desires for His church to know Him in the secret places of the Heart and to turn our hearts fully to Him.
Where the church has been silent on deeper issues of the heart, the Body of Christ has sought out resources that do not adequately provide solutions because they lack the Eternal Wisdom from the Word and the Saving Power of the Eternal Spirit that raised Christ from the dead
There are many things about the inner emotional life that our churches have not adequately addressed for many reasons. I believe this is changing as the Lord calls us back to our First Love as the Body of Believers.
I feel God has graced me to address these deeper issues by way of the Spirit and the Word. My work now is to lay a foundation of Jesus Christ and the Gospel both for those who do not know the Lord, and for those who are seeking a deeper walk with Him through healing, deeper understanding of the Word and living out the Gospel.
I want to say thank you for reading this, for being part of my online community and for joining me on this journey of faith! He calls us to a life of adventure in Him and my spirit is learning this daily.
Much Love in the Spirit,
Watch the Instagram Live Video I Did Today about this here
*Feel free to leave a comment and ask me any questions or let me know how this landed for you 💖
🌹Daniel 11:32
But the people who know their God will be strong and take action.
🌹Psalm 90:17
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
and establish the work of our hands upon us;
yes, establish the work of our hands!
🌹1 Corinthians 2:1-5
And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom.
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
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