Pressure Pressure Rush Rush

Pressure, pressure pressure.
Rush rush rush.
Did you ever stop to ask what it is you’re rushing toward?
What it is that you’re in such a hurry for…?
Did you forget that healing happens one step at a time darling?
Life happens one moment at a time.
One choice at a time.
That there’s no magical destination. There never was.
You’re actually worthy now.
In this moment.
There’s no place you have to get to to be there.
There’s no thing you need to get over.
You can move through each moment as it happens.
As you are.
And be here. With yourself. With life. With God. With the universe.
And whatever exists in this moment is what is.
No pressure.
No rushing.
Just here. Now.
A little acceptance never hurt nobody.
Whatever life to be lived is to be lived now.
You don’t have to be perfect to be here.
You can just be here.
If you can't get out of the pressure-pushing-rushing pain of perfectionism. The survival mode tunnel vision of running from your own emotional world, book a call with me.
I can help you move through the fear around being here now, with all of you. You can learn to connect with yourself, be with yourself, and as a result enjoy being alive a lot more. Because honestly, isn't that what we all want?
Book your free consultation with me here:

50% Complete

Two Step

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