You Just Can't Do It

That gnawing feeling that you just can't. 
You just can't. 

I remember sitting across from my therapist years ago and saying to her: 
"I just can't... I can't... I can't do this"

I was referring to everything. weight loss. life itself. It felt so real. The paradox of feeling like you'll die if you keep going but also feeling dead because you can't move forward. And then still pushing yourself anyway. 


In that raw moment together - where I revealed to her my truest sense. My truest emotion - or the emotion that FELT truest, I felt like I was in a pool of liquid and the liquid was me. 

She didn't say much, all she said was "but you can". 

Not sure if it was because no one ever said that to me before, or if it was because I finally let my super-ego guard down and admitted to her, myself, and God how I REALLY felt. Honestly. And truly felt. 

But those three words changed me. They changed my life. The realization came over me like a wave and a fire. "Holy shit, I can". 

They got so deep into me that I actually heard them in future moments of despair. I still hear them sometimes every now and then. But her voice has morphed into my own. The voice of my higher-self and inner-child fused together. 

So I'd like to offer those words to you. 

Whatever you're struggling with. Whatever feels completely and utterly impossible and you can see in no possible future how you could get what you want, change that habit, heal, climb up from the caves of depression and anxiety. And every single piece of you, even your organs, seems to be screaming out "I CANT DO THIS"... 

But you can. 


Continue Forward in Healing,
- Shyla 

PS... The Wounded Leader Program Price is Going up Tonight. Get in today and save $150

30 days of personal power, integration and love... 

This program is the place for you to integrate, access your personal power, and deeper levels of love. 

This is hybrid 1-1 coaching and Masterminding to deeply transform your philosophy of self and live a life of embodiment and connection. We are going deep into:

  • Owning Your Story
  • De-conditioning down from who you THINK you are to who you KNOW you truly are from within 
  • Channelling your inner-fire and inner-child
  • Healing and integrating the Emotional Body
  • Trusting Your Highest Self

THIS is the inner-work required to move your life forward and stop spinning around in circles or living the wrong life. When you do your healing work at this level you access your own truth, which is your power. This is what transforms high-value work into purpose work and allows your life to take the shape you want it to take instead of feeling like you are at war with yourself.

  • If you're willing to continue neglecting and sabotaging your own true self for the sake of appearances this won't be for you. 
  • If you're willing to constantly believe that what you need is outside of you, this won't be for you. 
  • This is not for people who believe they can never change or they will always be a victim to their circumstances. 

This work is for people who know they are capable of "doing" SO MUCH even while feeling depleted, empty, or depressed, but are tired of living from that place and ready to get connected from within.

-This work is for those who are ready to live their life from a place of wholeness, personal power, and love.

- This work is for people willing to surrender to their TRUE self and stop fighting against the current. 

-It is for those who are ready to step up into their TRUE selves and create their life FROM there.  Finally having the trust from within that you were whole all along. 

Click here to join 


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