[Heal for Real Podcast Episode 74] Interview With A Client - Louise Lewis


This week on the podcast I have another interview with an incredible client. Louise Lewis is a trauma informed Life Coach. She is an incredibly intelligent and wonderful person with a heart of gold! 


Prior to becoming a coach, she worked as a Tax Litigation Solicitor (Lawyer) in the Big 4 for over a decade.


In October 2018, Louise changed the direction of her life and has done the work to find out what was at the root of some of the stressful patterns that were creating cycles of burnout.

Louise has completed a diploma in transformation coaching practice, trained in positive intelligence, human design and she is also a student in the School of Embodied Healing Systems.

She has coached dozens of clients for over 1000 hours and has been accredited by the International Coach Federation.

In this conversation we talk about her journey of healing before meeting me, and how our work together has helped her at the level of the body. We also talk about my...

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