❤️‍🔥🤯Healthy Expression Helps Your Cells Repair Themselves! ❤️‍🔥🤯

‍Healthy Expression Helps Your Cells Repair Themselves! ‍

Self Expression Keeps You Healthy!

And I’m not just talking about emotional and spiritual health - I am talking about your physical health too! It allows for good flow within the body systems and actually promotes cellular repair. 

Healthy, authentic expression helps us attract safe connection and repel unsafe connection.

It’s what allows us to engage in conflict without harm.

And it makes it easier for people to feel a felt-sense of trust with you. 

As an entrepreneur and high-performer - healthy, authentic expression allows you to sell, lead teams effectively, and communicate with your market. 

It allows you to grow a business that encourages truthful two-way communication. 

It builds a culture of trust in your company.  

And it gives you vitality because you don’t feel the need to be someone you aren’t

Think about a time your self expression has been...

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[PODCAST EPISODE 63] - Toxic Shame & Fear of Success

It's been a little over a month since I've recorded an episode and I am so happy to be back (and back with a BANG!). In this episode we're talking about toxic shame and how it relates to the fear of success in high-performers. 

Here's What's Covered:
What is Toxic Shame
Where Does it Come From
How Does Toxic Shame Show Up
My Personal Experience With Toxic Shame
Toxic Shame & Fear of Success
Toxic Shame and Internalized Rage
How to Start Healing Toxic Shame

And, at the end I share a simple prayer for support in moving through it. 


Email me: [email protected]
To Work With Me, Book Your 1-1 Consultation Here: https://calendly.com/growhealchange1 

Show Notes Below.


Toxic Shame & Fear of Success


This is a deep, and sort of heavy topic. But it’s very important and it’s not really understood enough in entrepreneurial spaces and leadership and mindset  spaces. We talk about shame, but we don’t really...

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