I've been diving into the work of receiving in my own life ( you can listen to my podcast episode about receiving here ).
Receiving is HEART WORK. It is an absolutely opening of the heart. And what i've discovered is that often before we can receive on a deeper level - we often must experience release on a deeper level.
Releasing thought patterns and identity blocks that don't serve us. Releasing unworthiness and shame. Releasing fear around stepping up and into the power of who you are. Releasing fear of even just being seen as who you are.
And I find it fascinating that what we are afraid of releasing is often what we say we WANT to release. Like who would say they don't want to receive deeper intimacy, clarity, healing, money, joy and FLOW? We ALL want that. But desire is much different from willingness.
We all have desires. But we don't all RECEIVE what we desire. Because while we may want things SOOOOO bad (which in and of itself can be painful - the...
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