It Is Safe to Have More Than Enough


You’re not the pressure and internal dialogue inside your head. 

You’re not in the past. And... You’re not destined to eat only the crumbs and scraps of life.

EVEN if that’s what your childhood experience was like. 


The imprints of trauma = get through the day, the hour. SURVIVE. 


This is why most who grew up in pathological families have a thought/emotion loop that runs something like this:

“There’s not enough time.”
“There’s not enough money.”
“There’s not enough energy”

The system is churning as if we were still living in the danger and threat of abusive neglectful families. 

And as this churn continues, we end up pushing away, running away from, or avoiding what we truly WANT, what we truly DESIRE and LONG for out of life. 

We never experienced the safety of more than enough and so we believe it will never be safe to experience it.  

But the...

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