A New Season of Obedience - Life & Business Update

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Since I placed my trust in Christ, my business has been consistently transforming as I have surrendered layer upon layer to Jesus.

For over 2 years now, it has been a journey of wrestling, seeking God, being sensitive to the Spirit, and sometimes delaying obedience in the direction I receive from God.

He is so patient with me.

But each time I have followed God He has been gracious and faithful.

Last year He gave me a vision for something new: Heart to Christ. 


He began to show me that he wanted me to teach and speak about topics for people who are coming out of various life backgrounds and into the Gospel and the Body of Christ. 


I knew it was going to be a lot of teaching and breaking down concepts from Scripture to bridge the gap for people - healing, apologetics, cultural commentary etc.


However, as time unfolded I realized that it was more than that. 


The Lord was asking me to share my...

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