Trauma Healing in the Christian Life

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Well I wrestled with sharing this - because I really don’t want to be misunderstood as condemning. This is not being published to condemn or to take a legalistic stance on therapy, medication or anything like that. 

This is a word that has been building continually on my Spirit since my salvation around the difference between trauma healing as a believer in Jesus vs trauma healing in the world. 

The healing journeys look very different. 

While much of secular healing, personal development and psychology falls in the realm of common grace and is neutral and we are free to use it as believers. 

However, there has been an idolatry of these modalities and even modalities that directly contradict what the Lord has shown us in His Word about the nature of...

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That Distinct Feeling in my Chest - Under the Shadow of His Wings

That Distinct Feeling of being Under the Shadow of His Wings…


I shared with someone yesterday about this very distinct feeling that is old and yet new to me at the same time.


It is the feeling of being under submission to God, and sealed by Him. It is a sense of his protection and covering. The felt-sense of a shield around me. 


As a child I felt this distinctly… a sense that there was something different about me. A vulnerability in my chest. That feeling was wrapped up in the extreme trauma that was my household filled with chaos, abuse and dysfunction.  And it was made complicated by the fact that I wanted to be like everyone else. I wanted to be normal. I didn’t like the feeling. I wanted to thrash out of it when I was around other people. 


Since my salvation last year that vulnerability in my chest has returned. The sense of being different. But what I have realized is that this is the soft, fleshy heart the Lord...

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Heal for Real Podcast, Episode 93 - Not Fancy, With My Client Carly Hamilton-Jones


In this episode Carly shares her experience working together 1-1 for 6 months!

She talks about how it didn't feel fancy to invest in her life and nervous system because there wasn't a tangible result like there is when investing in business.

But ultimately, she fell in love with the work and experienced impact in both her business AND her life.

She also talks about her experience inside The School of Embodied Healing Systems and calls this work life-saving!

You will LOVE this candid conversation.

Links: Follow Carly on Instagram:

Work with Carly: 

Follow Shyla on Instagram: 

Work With Shyla 1-1: 

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Heal For Real Podcast-Episode 80- Self Compassion and accepting the impact of trauma

This week I am talking to my client, Stephanie Rosenfield, Mom coach for moms who want to stop losing their shit and start enjoying motherhood! Steph is hilarious and has overcome so much in her life. Her commitment to her personal healing, growth and development is so inspiring. And, her deep passion for her incredible work is truly FELT!

In this episode we talk about: 

What Steph has found most valuable about this nervous system work

What Steph found most surprising about this work
Self-Compassion as it relates to accepting the lasting impact of trauma 

Integrating mindset work with body work to create a felt-sense of lasting change

Getting away from the “shoulds” and moving into acceptance when it comes to emotions
And lots more!

Enjoy the episode!

Work With Steph:
Follow Steph on Instagram: 


Email Shyla: [email protected] 

Apply for The School of...

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Prosperity is a Heart Thing

Crack wide open that heart of yours.
Let it sing and speak.
Let it burst with love, direction, fire and passion.
Let it lead STRAIGHT to your Divine Destiny through the path of least resistance.
It’s not true that you need the bells and whistles.
It’s not true that you need to sell your soul.
It’s not true that you need to be someone or something outside of you.
It’s just not true.
All you must do is be present, hold space for the pressure and fear and let the the stellar explosion of your heart break wide open in surrender.
Prosperity is a heart thing. It’s a body thing. It is not material. It is not status.
It is the pure open hearted vulnerability of doing your sacred work in the world with all your heart and soul.
And breathing into it. Grounding into it with faith and surrender.
This is a revolutionary way of doing business. It is healing, liberating, and uniquely your own.
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[ Podcast Episode 61 - Fear, Resistance & Control ]

In this week's episode, I'm talking about how fear, resistance and control are trauma responses. Once we become aware of this, we can begin to release the harmful imprints of living in fear, resistance and control at the level of our bodies. As we do this, we re-discover our own wholeness. 



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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 60] What is a Trauma Response?

In this episode I'm talking about trauma responses. 

I'm breaking down what they are, how they create a lack of health in our lives, and how we can gently change our internal state so that our trauma responses are LESS required, or not required at all. 

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Email Me: [email protected]

Shownotes Below:

What is a Trauma Response?


First, a reminder of what trauma actually is. Trauma is too much, too fast, too soon. 

Trauma is a shock to the system that has not been fully processed. 


That means it gets stuck inside your body, creating a state of dysregulation and a lack of health. The lack of health occurs because in a moment of shock, our normal flow of life is interrupted by the shock of the danger or threat so that the body can use all of its resources to keep you...

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[GHC Podcast - Episode 56] - Axis of Success & Healing Part 1- Bringing it All Together


My work is about bringing it all together. 
Deep Healing & Aligned Success are not one dimensional. 
You are a system within systems as powerful human being. 

Creating true freedom depends on looking at this Axis of Healing and Success. 

Join me as I break down this enlightening concept to show you many facets of healing and success, so you can bring your whole self to the table.

To work with me, Email Me: [email protected] or message me on instagram @growhealchange





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In today's podcast I talk about what it means to build resilience. I talk about what it means to build emotional resilience, and some common misconceptions/myths about what resilience is. 

Work with me: 
Email Me: [email protected]

Resilience is the ability to bounce back. Move on. Get on with your life.

Resilience is an Emotional Skill that can be built. I like to think that people who have dealt with trauma actually have tremendous capacity to build resilience because of what we have been through. And we think what we have been through disqualifies us - but I really think it qualifies us for some tremendous transcendence, leadership, spiritual gifts if you’re into that kind of thing, as well as empathy, discernment etc - listen to how you think about trauma for more on that.

What Resilience Is:
Connecting to our emotions
Moving through emotions
Managing our own internal states
Recognizing when we need support and...

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Life, Healing, It's All About Opening

Life, Healing... It’s all about opening. 

Last night I had a surge of sadness move through my full body for seemingly “no reason”. I wept. This morning I had the same. I wept. Full body chest weeping and heart-opening. It is what it is. No resistance. No shame. No fear.

Gone are the days of resistance to what is.

Gone are the days of resisting the full body nervous system and spiritual release.
I wonder if we’ve become so sanitized to what we should be feeling and thinking that we’ve forgotten what we ARE actually feeling and thinking in this moment.
When you’re beginning the journey of healing, you’re beginning the journey of opening. And when you’re opening, at first, you don’t want to rip the thing open because what will explode out may explode you and cause you to hurriedly seal that thing back on shut and keep on going through the motions.

But as time goes on and as you grow, the opening process is much more fluid. The...
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