A New Season of Obedience - Life & Business Update

Watch the live video replay on instagram here

Since I placed my trust in Christ, my business has been consistently transforming as I have surrendered layer upon layer to Jesus.

For over 2 years now, it has been a journey of wrestling, seeking God, being sensitive to the Spirit, and sometimes delaying obedience in the direction I receive from God.

He is so patient with me.

But each time I have followed God He has been gracious and faithful.

Last year He gave me a vision for something new: Heart to Christ. 


He began to show me that he wanted me to teach and speak about topics for people who are coming out of various life backgrounds and into the Gospel and the Body of Christ. 


I knew it was going to be a lot of teaching and breaking down concepts from Scripture to bridge the gap for people - healing, apologetics, cultural commentary etc.


However, as time unfolded I realized that it was more than that. 


The Lord was asking me to share my...

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The Holy Spirit & Spiritual Bypassing

When I was steeped in the New Age, I used to talk a lot about spiritual bypassing.

Granted - spiritual bypassing is a real thing and it is a problem in every spiritual community - even in mindset communities - it’s mindset bypassing instead of spiritual bypassing.

I used to believe that the way to be free from spiritual bypassing and patterns of denial was through the body.

I believed that you had to learn to regulate your nervous system to truly heal and understand spirituality.

I don’t believe that anymore.

I still think the nervous system plays a major role in healing of any kind.

And if you were to take Jesus out of the picture, then that is where you would start - with the patterns in the body.

But the Bible is true when it says that the Spirit (that is the Holy Spirit) makes the body alive. (Romans 8:11).

Jesus gives you a new heart when you give your life to Him.

Before we know God we have a heart of stone. The heart of stone is a heart that is spiritually blind,...

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Is the Faithful Institute Right for You if Your Business Serves Non-Christians?

I got a great question from a woman considering joining the Faithful Institute:

She asked: I think I am meant to work with Christians AND non-Christians  - will the certification be beneficial for me?

The answer is absolutely!!

This certification is about equipping you as a woman of God in the coaching industry regardless of who you work with and what your niche is!

As a reminder - The Pillars of the Faithful Institute are:

‍Biblical Philosophy and Unapologetically Christian Worldview

‍In Depth Scientific Nervous System Education

‍Business & Entrepreneurial Skills Training

These pillars are applicable across all niches in the coaching space regardless of who you help and the belief systems of those you help.

Here is why:

Regardless of what the people you are helping believe in - you want to have a solid coaching philosophy that is in alignment with YOUR faith as the one who is running your business. The coaching philosophy inside the Faithful Institute is a...

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This is a place of breakthrough

‍‍ This is a place of breakthrough, because the True, Living God is in the Room ‍‍


When I began selling the Faithful Institute last month, I had my own plans for the Institute.

The Holy Spirit has convicted me since I began selling it around Somatic Experiencing which was my primary mode of training. Click here to read the story of how I left that behind a few weeks ago after the Lord showed me some things about the Founder of SE.

I have had to repent to the Lord around this .

Another thing I felt led to do before I shared the story of leaving Somatic Experiencing behind, was to change the price from 7,500 to 3,000 and I shared that with my community as well (which ended up being confirmation for one of the students to sign up)!

And I have been feeling more and more to yield this program to the Spirit completely.

That has felt scary, and like a true leap of faith for me as God reveals the layers of my heart that I still held back.

Coming out of 5 years of running...

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 100 - Co-Regulation Leads to Self-Regulation

Click here to listen to the episode on iTunes 


Everyone say it with me: Co-Regulation leads to self-regulation!

This is a key concept for understanding trauma healing at the nervous system level because it teaches us how we can access neuroplasticity with support from other people who have regulated nervous systems.

In this episode, I talk about

  • What is nervous system regulation exactly? 
  • How does co-regulation lead to self-regulation 
  • The Role of Co-Regulation in Neurodevelopment from the womb onward 
  • Bottom Up Brain Development (Dr Bruce Perry’s neurosequential development theory)
  • Dysregulation, trauma and the healing impact of Co-Regulation
  • The Fruit of the Spirit:How the Gospel makes us naturally more regulated and co-regulated

Scriptures mentioned in the episode: 

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