What is the Holy Spirit?


There are many spirits influencing the coaching space. It's a very spiritual space which I quite like because it represents people who are searching for what really matters.

But there is only one pure and HOLY spirit.

So - What is the Holy Spirit (ruach ha-kodesh in Hebrew) ?

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.

It is the same spirit that breathed upon the waters in the book of Genesis and created the earth.

It is the Spirit that raised Jesus' body from the dead.

It is the same Spirit that fills up your heart when you receive salvation (when you put all your trust and faith in Jesus and His Sacrifice on the cross and you give your life to Him). When this happens, the Spirit makes your body alive.

The Holy Spirit is described by Jesus as a Comforter.

After Jesus appeared to the disciples in his Risen body, He told them He was going to up to heaven to the Father to prepare a place for them.

They were sad that He was leaving, but He explained to them that...

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That Distinct Feeling in my Chest - Under the Shadow of His Wings

That Distinct Feeling of being Under the Shadow of His Wings…


I shared with someone yesterday about this very distinct feeling that is old and yet new to me at the same time.


It is the feeling of being under submission to God, and sealed by Him. It is a sense of his protection and covering. The felt-sense of a shield around me. 


As a child I felt this distinctly… a sense that there was something different about me. A vulnerability in my chest. That feeling was wrapped up in the extreme trauma that was my household filled with chaos, abuse and dysfunction.  And it was made complicated by the fact that I wanted to be like everyone else. I wanted to be normal. I didn’t like the feeling. I wanted to thrash out of it when I was around other people. 


Since my salvation last year that vulnerability in my chest has returned. The sense of being different. But what I have realized is that this is the soft, fleshy heart the Lord...

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 100 - Co-Regulation Leads to Self-Regulation

Click here to listen to the episode on iTunes 


Everyone say it with me: Co-Regulation leads to self-regulation!

This is a key concept for understanding trauma healing at the nervous system level because it teaches us how we can access neuroplasticity with support from other people who have regulated nervous systems.

In this episode, I talk about

  • What is nervous system regulation exactly? 
  • How does co-regulation lead to self-regulation 
  • The Role of Co-Regulation in Neurodevelopment from the womb onward 
  • Bottom Up Brain Development (Dr Bruce Perry’s neurosequential development theory)
  • Dysregulation, trauma and the healing impact of Co-Regulation
  • The Fruit of the Spirit:How the Gospel makes us naturally more regulated and co-regulated

Scriptures mentioned in the episode: 

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Heal for Real 98 - Theology of Trauma - Back to the Beginning Sin & The Fall

Let's go back to the beginning, shall we? 

In this episode, I share from the book of Genesis - The beginning of the Bible. 

Since I have become a Christian, my worldview has been transformed by the power of God's word and His Holy Spirit. And this worldview change, includes how I approach the philosophical ideas and theories of trauma. What we believe about God and ourselves will impact how we approach the treatment of trauma and the experience of suffering and healing. I believe the Bible gives a coherent, powerful, and ultimately liberating reason for why we experience trauma and suffering in our world today. 

Here's some of what I cover in this episode:
What is theology? 
Why is theology important to trauma? 
Sin and the fall
Why is there trauma in the world? 
How I approach the science of somatics (body-based trauma healing)
Practical guidelines for Christians as you approach your trauma healing journey to stay grounded in God's Word and avoid being led...

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