Something New & Different - Renewing Your Mind


Happy Saturday!

I woke up with this on my heart to write for you.

RENEWING YOUR MIND - Something New, and Different
What is renewing your mind?

Mind renewal is a spiritual thing that begins in your inner being and over time transforms the physical organ of the brain and the nervous system through neuroplasticity.

The process starts when you give your life to Jesus and receive salvation.

At the point of salvation you receive God’s Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit is in you, it transforms your spirit, your soul, your thinking process, your physical body, and your heart.

So many of our patterns come from broken thinking.

Those of us in the coaching world know this deeply to be true. We tend to watch our thinking more than most.

And we are aware that everything we think is not the truth. That’s why we hire coaches because they help us see clearly. And that’s what we help our clients do as well.

From a...

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What is the Holy Spirit?


There are many spirits influencing the coaching space. It's a very spiritual space which I quite like because it represents people who are searching for what really matters.

But there is only one pure and HOLY spirit.

So - What is the Holy Spirit (ruach ha-kodesh in Hebrew) ?

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.

It is the same spirit that breathed upon the waters in the book of Genesis and created the earth.

It is the Spirit that raised Jesus' body from the dead.

It is the same Spirit that fills up your heart when you receive salvation (when you put all your trust and faith in Jesus and His Sacrifice on the cross and you give your life to Him). When this happens, the Spirit makes your body alive.

The Holy Spirit is described by Jesus as a Comforter.

After Jesus appeared to the disciples in his Risen body, He told them He was going to up to heaven to the Father to prepare a place for them.

They were sad that He was leaving, but He explained to them that...

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 101

For the believer - trauma recovery is a mind-renewal process that involves being sanctified by God's Word and His Truth just as much as it involves learning/re-learning life skills, stress management skills and stabilizing your nervous system! In this episode I am diving into the spiritual component of the trauma recovery journey by looking at: 

  • How God's Word Makes the Crooked Places Straight in Your Heart
  • The Corruption of the Human Heart  (How man can never fully grasp the heart of man - we need God for that)
  • Double-Mindedness and Personality Instability (How God's Word gives us security and stability)
  • Seeking Healing from the World First Rather than seeking the Lord first

My hope is that this episode stirs your faith to walk in Victory as a child of God - knowing first that you belong to the Lord as you recover from the pain of trauma. 

Email me: [email protected] 

Apply for the Faithful Institute: 


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Learning to Trust in the Lord

‍ Learning to Trust the Lord ‍

The thing God has been dealing with me most about since I gave my life to Christ last year has been trust.

Trust is a scary dirty word for a lot of us.

Add in a childhood wrought with abuse and neglect or any kind of relational or spiritual trauma for that matter and you compound on the challenge.

In my years of personal trauma recovery, nervous system repair, and formal training - I’ve learned and experienced a lot about the body and trust.

About how the nervous system can be wired for a kind of closed off hyper-independence in which we construct a life where we protect ourselves from the need to trust others for anything.

How the nervous system can learn to be drawn to (and even cling to) what is unsafe in relationships and deeply untrustworthy.

How we can be so cut off from our God-given intuition that we can’t even FEEL the instincts let alone discern and trust them.

How we can feel terrified to trust that which is actually...

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HFR 97 - The Gospel of Jesus & The School of Embodied Healing Systems

Last year I gave my life to Jesus.

Since then He has been doing a deep work in my heart every area of my life, including my business. 

In this episode, I am going to share with you what the gospel is and what it has to do with this next round of The School of Embodied Healing Systems. 

The statement about EHS that I read on the podcast: 

My testimony: 

Email Me:
[email protected] 

Apply for this round of The School of Embodied Healing Systems - We start August 15th! 

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Life Force Energy, Survival, Repression, Raw Expression

‍Life force energy, survival energy, repression, raw expression! ‍

Most people are repressed. It’s just the truth.

Most people are terrified of the absolute full force of their life energy.

Especially if you’ve spent a life time being pushed back, held back and then doing it to yourself on repeat without even knowing it.

It’s not your fault.

Other people are scared of your life energy too.

So there’s another reason to mask and repress it and suppress it until your bones ache and you’re so bored with yourself that you wanna self sabotage to at least feel alive in the chaos.

The only problem? The more you repress the more you self-destruct.

The body wasn’t designed for that.

It was designed for expression - it was designed for flow. The body is an electrical conductor that carries energy to your organs, your DNA, your brain stem and every cell in your body.

This is trauma - the survival energy pent up and stored in your body that keeps your from...

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Don't you See? Receiving is Your Natural State

.What about receiving? 

…being carried, guided and supported by the flow, by God who is life itself.

To receive, you open your hands
Open your heart…


Versus chasing after everything from your mind and your tight shoulders.

You don’t receive from working hard in your brain.

Braced up for impact all the while. Desiring more in your heart of hearts and at the same time thinking hard about how to get it.

Receiving is the deep down breath into the tummy and down into the ground.

Receiving is the letting go through the body and the full experience of surrender…

My journey with receiving has been quite the roller coaster.

Because letting go wasn’t something that came naturally to me…

My biology was wired for holding so tight and tighter and tighter and tighter until it hurt like hell and then holding on some more. Abuse and neglect will do that to a person.

First with relationships - then with money.

I chased after my parents love.
I twisted and...

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He was just like my mom...

He was just like my mom… 


In my early twenties I had a dumpster fire of a relationship filled with chaos and codependency. 


I was the savior and the good girl who was going to rescue my addict boyfriend and make him unbroken.

Have you ever been there?


Turns out it was me that was sick and twisted up from a childhood of abuse and stranger-than-fiction family dysfunction. 


My mother - the paranoid schizophrenic, violent, manic depressive tyrant. And my father, ever loyal to my mother and unable to get himself or me out of the situation.

When I was spat out into the world, I was driven, ambitious, high-performing and talented. I was also extremely unaware of just how much my childhood had marked me. 

I didn’t know I had brain damage from growing up in abuse and neglect. 

I didn’t know I was in the chronic freeze and had been my entire life.
I was a MESS - but I had no sweet clue about that. 



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Haal for Real Podcast, Episode 92 - Leaning into Fear

Recently I went through something terrifying that would have absolutely taken me out before I built the nervous system that I have now.

AND I am so glad that I had the tools and knowledge to support me to get through it and keep me sane.

Fear & stress is part of the game when you’re an ambitious, high-performing entrepreneur. It’s part of life - there’s no way of getting around that!

But you CAN navigate fear in a way that leads to more capacity, more health and deeper purpose?

This episode is all about leaning into fear but with a nervous system spin!

Here’s what I cover:

  • What is happening in your body when you feel fear and do it anyway?
  • Is it true that everything you want is outside of your comfort zone? 
  • The Body’s Fear/Stress Cycle and How to Interrupt it so you can overcome fear and 
    achieve your dreams
  • Supplements that I recommend for times of edgy expansion and growth
  • How to Support Your Physical Body to let go of stress and...
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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 89 - Natalie's Experience of EHS Foundations

In this episode, I am talking with my client - Natalie Steen about her experience inside EHS Foundations! 

Natalie is a health coach who helps restore women's vitality, drive, and appearance, so that gals 40 years and better, have a body that feels good to live in again!

In this episode we talk about 
What she learned about herself 
Her favourite tools from EHS Foundations
How the tools are still impacting her life now
How she was able to increase her client conversion rates using the tools she learned inside EHS Foundations 

Enjoy the episode! 

More from Natalie: 

Follow Shyla on Instagram: 
Email Shyla: [email protected] 
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