What is Life Energy?
Cultures all over the world have identified a mysterious, spontaneous force that is sometimes called “divine”. They will call this Chi, Prana, Mana, Vital Energy or Life Force - among other names. I have even seen this called the Kundalini.
The idea in the New Age and alternative healing spaces is that this force can be channeled or used to bring healing and that this force is present in human bodies and that aligning with this force of life can bring healing to the body. And this idea of a force of life present in all things also is closely related to the divine being in and part of all things including humans.
In the somatic healing world, the concept of life energy represents the personal power/vitality of a person and the energy of life that is in the world/universe, patterns of nature and the spontaneous force of healing and life in all things and beings.
This is in...
I know the feeling - being faced with the Truth and feeling like everything underneath you and within you is shaking and quaking
To know within the depths of your being that Jesus is real and not just real - He is true and really the ONLY thing that is real.
To question whether people in your life will leave you if you are bold in your faith and then testing the waters and finding that yes in fact they will leave you.
The existential wrestling with the Truth of Scripture
The heartbreaking encounters with God that show you your need for Him - and that where you placed all your attention, focus and identity was the wrong place and now ALL you want is more of God.
To recognize the places in your heart that were hard and brittle - hyper-independent and filled with foolish pride and self-sufficiency and weep as the Lord washes you and softens your heart
To feel the healing...
Learning to Trust the Lord
The thing God has been dealing with me most about since I gave my life to Christ last year has been trust.
Trust is a scary dirty word for a lot of us.
Add in a childhood wrought with abuse and neglect or any kind of relational or spiritual trauma for that matter and you compound on the challenge.
In my years of personal trauma recovery, nervous system repair, and formal training - I’ve learned and experienced a lot about the body and trust.
About how the nervous system can be wired for a kind of closed off hyper-independence in which we construct a life where we protect ourselves from the need to trust others for anything.
How the nervous system can learn to be drawn to (and even cling to) what is unsafe in relationships and deeply untrustworthy.
How we can be so cut off from our God-given intuition that we can’t even FEEL the instincts let alone discern and trust them.
How we can feel terrified to trust that which is actually...
In this episode, I am talking with my client - Natalie Steen about her experience inside EHS Foundations!
Natalie is a health coach who helps restore women's vitality, drive, and appearance, so that gals 40 years and better, have a body that feels good to live in again!
In this episode we talk about
What she learned about herself
Her favourite tools from EHS Foundations
How the tools are still impacting her life now
How she was able to increase her client conversion rates using the tools she learned inside EHS Foundations
Enjoy the episode!
More from Natalie: https://www.bluestemnutrition.com/
Follow Shyla on Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange
Email Shyla: [email protected]
Join Shyla's Facebook Community, Embodied Advantage, For Coaches & Entrepreneurs: https://www.facebook.com/groups/157460230490347
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