I've been thinking about you... about lighting up a new way forward for you this year

I get you. My 5+ year coaching career has been spent helping women just like you at the nervous system level. 

And by women like you I mean: The beautiful, eccentric, high-performing, entrepreneurial woman that you are.

Believe me when I say that I deeply understand that you are different. You are highly skilled and intelligent  in key areas and when you’re operating in those areas you are absolutely LIT UP!

These areas are the God-given gifts that the Lord has given to you. People  are simply in awe of how much you are gifted in that area. 

I know that you’re in your most dialed-in flow-state when you are operating in those gifts and when you’re there - it’s like a slice of heaven on earth.

I also know that sometimes ( a lot of times) that flow-state can feel elusive. And you can feel foggy headed, dysregulated, distracted, and even a deep sense of frustration at times when it comes to putting all the pieces of your vision together. 

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 101

For the believer - trauma recovery is a mind-renewal process that involves being sanctified by God's Word and His Truth just as much as it involves learning/re-learning life skills, stress management skills and stabilizing your nervous system! In this episode I am diving into the spiritual component of the trauma recovery journey by looking at: 

  • How God's Word Makes the Crooked Places Straight in Your Heart
  • The Corruption of the Human Heart  (How man can never fully grasp the heart of man - we need God for that)
  • Double-Mindedness and Personality Instability (How God's Word gives us security and stability)
  • Seeking Healing from the World First Rather than seeking the Lord first

My hope is that this episode stirs your faith to walk in Victory as a child of God - knowing first that you belong to the Lord as you recover from the pain of trauma. 

Email me: [email protected] 

Apply for the Faithful Institute: www.shylacash.com/faithful 


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Be Angry - Don't Sin: On Anger, Health & Trauma

The Somatic & Spiritual Side of Anger 

Anger is such an important part of health!

Yes - health.

Without the full spectrum of full human emotions - we are not physically healthy. Our Creator designed our emotional and physical experience to be connected to one another.

So - what happens when we repress? What happens when we grow up in homes and environments where the family pushes back or stifles our valid and honest emotional expression?

Emotional Dysregulation, Chronic Illness, High-Functioning Depression & Anxiety Symptoms, and Dysfunctional relationships,  Toxic Shame to name just a few.

What can also happen is a confusing relationship with God where we feel afraid to express ourselves to Him - to wrestle with Him, to pour out our hearts before him.

We can more easily get into abusive relationship dynamics and unhealthy spiritual communities because we are less likely to speak up, express needs, set boundaries and advocate for what is right.

When I work with...

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Birthday Post - I'm 33! Reflecting on my first year as a born again believer.

I’m 33!

Yesterday (Tuesday, Sep 26, 2023) was my birthday.

I became a Christian last year - it’s my first full year as a born-again believer. 

Though I grew up in church I don’t feel that I had a saving faith as my heart did not fully grasp the truth of the gospel.

I had a general revelation of God and His Word but looking back I really don’t feel that I was saved.

The reason for that is because my true salvation last year felt so radical and life-altering that it pierced my heart and changed me forever.

Before I was saved I wandered and looked for truth in mystical traditions and spiritual systems like Chinese I Ching, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spiritual Kinesiology and basically whatever else appealed to me. I was sincere in my pursuit but sincerely deceived.

Until God led me to the truth of the Gospel.

As a result, this year has been kind of wild.

I have made serious changes in every area of my life in response to the Gospel being brought to me by the...

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Heal for Real Podcast - 99 - Theology of Trauma Part 2 - The Gospel



This week is the second instalment of the Theology of Trauma Series - We are talking about the Gospel. 

Specifically we are looking at:
What is the Gospel?
How Do we live out our trauma healing journey with the Gospel in mind?
How is the Believer's trauma healing journey is different from the secular healing journey. 
Common Grace Vs Saving Grace 
A note on religious trauma 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/growhealchange/ 

Jumpstart Program: www.shylacash.com/jumpstart 

Waitlist for The Faithful Trauma Recovery Institute: www.shylacash.com/faithfulwaitlist 


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