A New Season of Obedience - Life & Business Update

Watch the live video replay on instagram here

Since I placed my trust in Christ, my business has been consistently transforming as I have surrendered layer upon layer to Jesus.

For over 2 years now, it has been a journey of wrestling, seeking God, being sensitive to the Spirit, and sometimes delaying obedience in the direction I receive from God.

He is so patient with me.

But each time I have followed God He has been gracious and faithful.

Last year He gave me a vision for something new: Heart to Christ. 


He began to show me that he wanted me to teach and speak about topics for people who are coming out of various life backgrounds and into the Gospel and the Body of Christ. 


I knew it was going to be a lot of teaching and breaking down concepts from Scripture to bridge the gap for people - healing, apologetics, cultural commentary etc.


However, as time unfolded I realized that it was more than that. 


The Lord was asking me to share my...

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Is the Faithful Institute Right for You if Your Business Serves Non-Christians?

I got a great question from a woman considering joining the Faithful Institute:

She asked: I think I am meant to work with Christians AND non-Christians  - will the certification be beneficial for me?

The answer is absolutely!!

This certification is about equipping you as a woman of God in the coaching industry regardless of who you work with and what your niche is!

As a reminder - The Pillars of the Faithful Institute are:

‍Biblical Philosophy and Unapologetically Christian Worldview

‍In Depth Scientific Nervous System Education

‍Business & Entrepreneurial Skills Training

These pillars are applicable across all niches in the coaching space regardless of who you help and the belief systems of those you help.

Here is why:

Regardless of what the people you are helping believe in - you want to have a solid coaching philosophy that is in alignment with YOUR faith as the one who is running your business. The coaching philosophy inside the Faithful Institute is a...

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Working at the Core

I'm about working with issues at the core.
Because it’s efficient and it works faster.
Deep Healing is physical and spiritual business. The pull to move back into old patterns is mental and emotional - but actually at the core it’s physical and spiritual.
Sometimes you’re fighting a spiritual battle but you think it’s in your mind.
In those moments it truly feels like otherworldly forces are holding you back from your destiny.
And you can’t claw your way out with your mindset tools because the issue is deeper.
This isn’t a scary thing. Because when you understand the core of the issue you are more equipped to solve it. You no longer are in agony looking for a needle in a haystack.
And you can reach out for help - ask for support from the Divine, from heavenly forces.
Strengthen your mind through tending to your spirit. It’s the shortcut.
Humanity is going through a big change in this moment.
While you may have felt...
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On this episode of the podcast I have an incredible woman, entrepreneur, mother and shining star joining me for an interview! One of my beautiful clients - Doreen Korba!  Doreen is a life and business coach who became an entrepreneur after 15 years as a marketing executive. She also holds a Masters Degree in counseling psychology. Doreen helps her clients have time and financial freedom with mindset and business strategy tools. She is a wife and mom of 4 beautiful children.


She works with me 1-1 and is also part of the first class of my certification program, Embodied Healing Systems.

Listen to this episode to hear a little bit of Doreen’s story of grief and loss as well as what her experience has been like with the somatic, trauma healing work that we do in our coaching together. She shares how the work has helped her in her life and business journey. 

She also shares what she is getting out of Embodied Healing Systems that is helping her in her own...

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Magic is done from the heart, not the mind...

"Magic is done from the heart, not the mind..."

A quote from A Discovery of Witches lol. A show my husband and I have been devouring over the past weekend. 

But isn't it true? 

I'm not against the mind. After all I believe our thoughts create our results. 
But I believe the mind must be "COHERENT" - basically fully connected - to the heart. And this is the piece of trauma healing that many miss - or inherently fear. 

That everything you FEEL - deep within the regions of the body and self. Everything you ARE is where your magic comes from. Even the "magic" of healing from years of childhood trauma or family dysfunction. 

All the keys you have are within you already. Within your beating heart. And all that we do is about coming back to that - isn't it? 

The magic of you? Is in your heart. 

Your hearts work, your heart's guidance, your heart's truth. 

And all of this is about trust. About knowing that no amount of "thinking" all by itself will get you...

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Episode 21 - Functional Healing

In this episode I am peeling back the curtain on what I REALLY believe about healing from trauma using my concept of functional healing.

Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme

Email Me: [email protected]

Episode 21 - Functional Healing


Hello Hello Hello how is everyone! I’m a little nervous about today’s episode because I’m going to be really really honest with you about my beliefs and my opinions on healing from trauma and I know it may rub up against some of you and it may feel like i’m being harsh or rude. But that is not at all my intent. I really believe that healing is my life’s work and I am so passionate about healing trauma and about healing as a global community so my ask of you if you should continue listening to this episode is that you take it in with some openness - doesn’t mean you have to agree. You are you and I am me and we won’t always agree. But I believe that if you can...

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Functional Healing - Live Your Life & Heal at the Same Time

In this video, I'm talking about a concept called "Functional Healing".

Functional Healing is my belief that life doesn't have to stop in order for you to heal and make powerful change. You can build healing into your lifestyle and see improvements in emotional regulation, performance, and behaviour as you go. 

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What is Emotional Health?

What is Emotional Health? 

In this video I'm breaking down Emotional Health. I'm talking about what it is, and three essential pillars to building it:

1. Taking Responsibility for Your Life

2. Feeling/Experiencing Your Emotions

3. Loving and Caring For Yourself

To work with me 1-1, send me an email: [email protected]

To learn more about my monthly membership group, click here: https://www.shylacash.com/emotionalhe...


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