Walking by Faith & The Utter Deadness of Self-Sufficiency

When I shut down my previous certification school - The School of Embodied Healing Systems during the launch of what I thought would be the 3rd round, I knew the Lord wanted to do something new - I just wasn’t totally sure what it was.

Despite the deep knowing in my Spirit that the Lord was leading me in a new direction and a sense that He wanted me to be poured out totally for Him and to completely study His Word and create something new in the industry….

The actual practicalities of it? It felt murky and really unknown territory.

During the time between shutting down The School of Embodied Healing Systems and launching Faithful - there was an intense pruning that took place. 

I would say the number 1 pruning during that time was pruning away self-sufficiency and running business by my own will and way.

Even at the beginning of the Faithful Launch I had my own ideas about what it would be and the Lord totally rearranged that from the pricing to the curriculum.


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Why Embodied Healing Systems is So Important to Me; My Story

There was a time when I didn’t have my right mind - my sanity. As a teen you could have diagnosed me with reactive attachment disorder and severe depression and ADHD among other things.

I grew up in a very dysfunctional home. My mom suffers with paranoid schizophrenia and manic depression.

Her childhood was awful - she talks about being suicidal at 11.

She didn’t make her way to healing.

And when she had me, she struggled. And as a result she severely abused and neglected me. She also decided to homeschool me until I was 11.

Growing up in that situation took its toll on my developing brain and body. On the outside I adapted well as I was very smart and quite gifted as a kid. I learned how to perform in school and in church. I kept my home life a secret.

People who knew my mom knew something wasn’t right - but I felt a pressure to protect my parents and so I put on a happy face. As I got older I continued to perform well despite the inner turmoil.

But the body is not...

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Heal for Real Podcast Episode 94 - EHS 2023 Graduate Panel

Buckle up for this conversation with a few of the most recent Embodied Healing Systems Graduates: Andrea Fleming, Denita Bremer & Amber Taylor.

We talked:

  • Learning with your full body
  • Being a unique individual in your work,
  • What happens in the group field of healing and learning
  • What it's like to experience your nervous system full-on after being in freeze
  • Why intellectual stimulation and REAL nervous system education is essential ...and so much more. 

Honestly the caliber of practitioners inside EHS is second to none and this conversation is a taste of the kind of work we do on the regular inside the School.  

After all - this is a school for the deeper, smarter, more switched on practitioners.

Apply here for This Round of The school of Embodied Healing Systems: www.shylacash.com/embodiedhealingsystems 

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❤️‍🔥🤯Healthy Expression Helps Your Cells Repair Themselves! ❤️‍🔥🤯

‍Healthy Expression Helps Your Cells Repair Themselves! ‍

Self Expression Keeps You Healthy!

And I’m not just talking about emotional and spiritual health - I am talking about your physical health too! It allows for good flow within the body systems and actually promotes cellular repair. 

Healthy, authentic expression helps us attract safe connection and repel unsafe connection.

It’s what allows us to engage in conflict without harm.

And it makes it easier for people to feel a felt-sense of trust with you. 

As an entrepreneur and high-performer - healthy, authentic expression allows you to sell, lead teams effectively, and communicate with your market. 

It allows you to grow a business that encourages truthful two-way communication. 

It builds a culture of trust in your company.  

And it gives you vitality because you don’t feel the need to be someone you aren’t

Think about a time your self expression has been...

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High-Performance, Hard Work & Trauma

High-Performance, Hard Work & Trauma


I am reading Michael Dell’s awesome book - “Play Nice But Win”. And I love it. He tells his story of being quite a scrappy, resourceful entrepreneur since he was a teenager. The book zeroes in on the high-stakes transaction he successfully completed when he took his company private after being public. He did this because he wanted to make some big time changes within the company without being in the public eye.







WOOPH! Love that.

It’s thrilling and amazing.


And it’s got me thinking about what it takes to do the real deep hard work of bringing your big dreams to life in a healthy way.


There is nothing wrong with hard work!


Being an entrepreneur, of course there is some hard work required on the journey of building your dream life and business.


Having big dreams does require some effort.


Anyone telling...

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 81 - The Hope of Repair in a Culture of Management

This week on the podcast I'm sharing with you the foundational paradigm for this work I do! And that paradigm is the hope and potential of repair when it comes to trauma, our bodies and even our communities and our world. 

I am sharing with you this idea in contrast to what I believe is a culture of management. 

I share what the fundamental differences are between a paradigm of repair and management. And I also share about how a management paradigm can be damaging over long periods of time for the nervous system. 

I get a little philosophical in this episode - because I believe that we as practitioners and as people who care about our lives and communities need to be thinking about the paradigms and philosophies that we are bringing to our world.

Email me: [email protected] 
Follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange 
Book your consultation for the School of Embodied Healing Systems (Enrolment ends July 31st) : ...

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[PODCAST EPISODE 63] - Toxic Shame & Fear of Success

It's been a little over a month since I've recorded an episode and I am so happy to be back (and back with a BANG!). In this episode we're talking about toxic shame and how it relates to the fear of success in high-performers. 

Here's What's Covered:
What is Toxic Shame
Where Does it Come From
How Does Toxic Shame Show Up
My Personal Experience With Toxic Shame
Toxic Shame & Fear of Success
Toxic Shame and Internalized Rage
How to Start Healing Toxic Shame

And, at the end I share a simple prayer for support in moving through it. 


Email me: [email protected]
To Work With Me, Book Your 1-1 Consultation Here: https://calendly.com/growhealchange1 

Show Notes Below.


Toxic Shame & Fear of Success


This is a deep, and sort of heavy topic. But it’s very important and it’s not really understood enough in entrepreneurial spaces and leadership and mindset  spaces. We talk about shame, but we don’t really...

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[GHC Episode 58 - Axis of Healing Pt 3. Emotional System(s)]

This week's episode is all about the Emotional System(s). I talk about how emotional literacy, emotional intelligence, and emotional maturity are gateways to cultivating the divine feminine.
I also give 9 tips to help you heal your emotional system(s). 

Work With Me: www.shylacash.com/workwithme

Email Me: grow@growhealchange

Show Notes: https://www.shylacash.com/blog/ghc-episode-58-axis-of-healing-pt-3-emotional-system-s 

Show Notes: 

Emotional system is a messenger system

Drinking some Canadian Tim Hortons steeped tea and ate some pizza - watched mommy tang and the simply podlogical podcast. Had 5 coaching calls. And now i’m recording this podcast. 


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Announcement - Healing Masterclass Series - #3 - Grounded spirituality how to use spiritual tools to move your life forward without taking on a specific religious or spiritual modality. 

And this is sooo so important: 


This masterclass is...

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BONUS PODCAST - Episode 54 - The Queen's Gambit!

Queen’s Gambit is the epitome of a high-performer grappling with childhood trauma. Beth, brilliant, excels in school, and a wonderful gift/obsession of playing chess.

However, to break the chains of sabotage, and to allow herself the true win that she desires - she’s got to wade through addiction, sorrow, abandonment and loneliness. 

Join me as I share parallels between Beth Harmon's Journey and our journey as High Performers Healing from Trauma.

Email Me: [email protected]
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 
Human Design: https://www.jovianarchive.com/get_your_chart

Bonus Podcast Episode  - Queen’s Gambit 


Queen’s Gambit is the epitome of a high-performer grappling with childhood trauma. Beth, brilliant, excels in school, and a wonderful gift/obsession of playing chess.


However, to break the chains of sabotage, and to allow herself the true win that she desires - she’s got to wade through...

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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 52] Trauma, Addiction & Recovery with Jeff Simone of Reaction Recovery

It's impossible to look at addiction without seeing the overlap with trauma.

In this episode, I talk with Jeff Simone, He is a Doctor of Pharmacy with a focus on how Fitness and Health help the addicted brain. Our conversation touches on the link between trauma and addiction, the slow pace of bringing the science of trauma into the addiction recovery conversation, spirituality and tons more. 

Follow Jeff on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/reactionrecovery/ 

Visit Jeff's Website here: 

Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 

Email Me: [email protected]

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