4 Areas to Focus on to Create a Life of Healing, Success & Alignment - Part 2

4 Areas to Focus on for a Life of Healing, Success & Alignment - Part 2 - Your True Work

Yesterday was about the first area of focus -  Trauma Healing (read yesterday's blog here).  Now that we’ve covered the importance of making sure your roots are in a state of repair, we’re moving on to the second area - Your True Work. 


What’s beautiful about the process of trauma healing is that it creates safety and resilience inside of you. That means you have a felt-sense of your own ability to be safe and secure within your own body.  This balances your mental, spiritual, emotional and nervous system(s). Once that happens, you begin to unlock your own gifts and talents. When your base level state is a state of health and repair, you naturally discover your own success codes.  

Everything that you have been through and healed from  is part of you. It is inside of you and part of your story. Your brain and body, your cells and...

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4 Areas to Focus on to Create a Life of Healing, Success & Alignment

 Four Areas to Focus on to Create a Life of Healing, Success, and Alignment. 

  1. Trauma Healing, & Embodiment
    2.Your True Work (purpose-work and contribution),
    3. Spirituality, And
    4. Abundance (expanding capacity for wealth) 

Today, we'll discuss the first of these four areas: Trauma-Healing. 



Trauma Healing

This is one area that most ambitious, high-performing people tend to avoid. But the truth is that all humans have experienced trauma to varying degrees at one point or another. Trauma is simply too much, too soon, too fast, for our processing abilities at the time (mental, spiritual, emotional, physical). And, all humans have the ability to heal.


Trauma healing is first about restoring and creating a sense of stability, safety and security inside of ourselves. If you’re familiar with the chakra systems (energy centres) , the root chakra is the place where our physical body makes contact with life itself. I think this is helpful...

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[GHC Episode 58 - Axis of Healing Pt 3. Emotional System(s)]

This week's episode is all about the Emotional System(s). I talk about how emotional literacy, emotional intelligence, and emotional maturity are gateways to cultivating the divine feminine.
I also give 9 tips to help you heal your emotional system(s). 

Work With Me: www.shylacash.com/workwithme

Email Me: grow@growhealchange

Show Notes: https://www.shylacash.com/blog/ghc-episode-58-axis-of-healing-pt-3-emotional-system-s 

Show Notes: 

Emotional system is a messenger system

Drinking some Canadian Tim Hortons steeped tea and ate some pizza - watched mommy tang and the simply podlogical podcast. Had 5 coaching calls. And now i’m recording this podcast. 


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Announcement - Healing Masterclass Series - #3 - Grounded spirituality how to use spiritual tools to move your life forward without taking on a specific religious or spiritual modality. 

And this is sooo so important: 


This masterclass is...

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[GHC Podcast - Episode 56] - Axis of Success & Healing Part 1- Bringing it All Together


My work is about bringing it all together. 
Deep Healing & Aligned Success are not one dimensional. 
You are a system within systems as powerful human being. 

Creating true freedom depends on looking at this Axis of Healing and Success. 

Join me as I break down this enlightening concept to show you many facets of healing and success, so you can bring your whole self to the table.

To work with me, Email Me: [email protected] or message me on instagram @growhealchange





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Healing & Success Axis

My work is about bringing it all together. 

Deep Healing & Aligned Success are not one dimensional. 

You are a system within systems as powerful human being. 


Creating true freedom depends on looking at this Axis of Healing and Success. 

And being reverent and respectful of all elements of you. 

Each element doesn’t necessarily have to have equal focus, depending on where you are in your journey you may be placing specific focus on one or two… and as we become masters of our own inner sanctum, we begin to learn how to balance them, and direct focus at the right ones for us for where we are on our timeline.  


This modality moves beyond black and white thinking or one-size fits all and into an integrated approach.

To me, if we are talking about success, we are talking about releasing the trauma of age-old conditioning within all of our systems. They work together. And, if we are talking about trauma healing, we must...

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