Oxford Languages Defines worship as:
The feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
"the worship of God"
Interestingly, Dr Stephen Porges, founder of Polyvagal Theory has discussed the importance of cultivating a sense of “awe” as part of restoring the health of the nervous system.
As believers, the ultimate source of awe is God Himself. The Bible will often describe this as the “fear of the Lord”
When we worship God, there is a change in the spirit and the body.
In the presence of the Lord a natural surrender occurs in which we may weep, tremble, or move in ways that we do not normally do. Not just the spirit, but the physical body surrenders/yields to the Lord.
Worship is the expression of the awe of God.
When we worship, we are brought into the presence of the Lord.
Here we are in the presence of perfection and purity. We are in the presence of all that is good and true.
This presence is healing &...
Let's go back to the beginning, shall we?
In this episode, I share from the book of Genesis - The beginning of the Bible.
Since I have become a Christian, my worldview has been transformed by the power of God's word and His Holy Spirit. And this worldview change, includes how I approach the philosophical ideas and theories of trauma. What we believe about God and ourselves will impact how we approach the treatment of trauma and the experience of suffering and healing. I believe the Bible gives a coherent, powerful, and ultimately liberating reason for why we experience trauma and suffering in our world today.
Here's some of what I cover in this episode:
What is theology?
Why is theology important to trauma?
Sin and the fall
Why is there trauma in the world?
How I approach the science of somatics (body-based trauma healing)
Practical guidelines for Christians as you approach your trauma healing journey to stay grounded in God's Word and avoid being led...
He was just like my mom…
In my early twenties I had a dumpster fire of a relationship filled with chaos and codependency.
I was the savior and the good girl who was going to rescue my addict boyfriend and make him unbroken.
Have you ever been there?
Turns out it was me that was sick and twisted up from a childhood of abuse and stranger-than-fiction family dysfunction.
My mother - the paranoid schizophrenic, violent, manic depressive tyrant. And my father, ever loyal to my mother and unable to get himself or me out of the situation.
When I was spat out into the world, I was driven, ambitious, high-performing and talented. I was also extremely unaware of just how much my childhood had marked me.
I didn’t know I had brain damage from growing up in abuse and neglect.
I didn’t know I was in the chronic freeze and had been my entire life.
I was a MESS - but I had no sweet clue about that.
In this episode, I am talking with my client - Natalie Steen about her experience inside EHS Foundations!
Natalie is a health coach who helps restore women's vitality, drive, and appearance, so that gals 40 years and better, have a body that feels good to live in again!
In this episode we talk about
What she learned about herself
Her favourite tools from EHS Foundations
How the tools are still impacting her life now
How she was able to increase her client conversion rates using the tools she learned inside EHS Foundations
Enjoy the episode!
More from Natalie: https://www.bluestemnutrition.com/
Follow Shyla on Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange
Email Shyla: [email protected]
Join Shyla's Facebook Community, Embodied Advantage, For Coaches & Entrepreneurs: https://www.facebook.com/groups/157460230490347
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Heal for Real Podcast Episode 88
Energy Management, Entrepreneurship & Your Nervous System
We are talking on the podcast today about energy! And I am not talking about spiritual or...
Entrepreneurial Stress - A Healthy & Holistic Way to Respond
There is a push and pull to growth. We feel pulled to grow so that we can become people who do the amazing things we dream of doing and feel the amazing things we dream of feeling. And yet, the process of growth is a valley of internal obstacles. One of the obstacles that can show up in the valley is trauma. Life calls us to move through the trauma that has kept us coping rather than living, so that we can have space inside to make our dreams a reality.
As entrepreneurs - the wild animals we are - we choose an alternative path. Those of us who feel called to bring our gifts to the world through entrepreneurship choose a path of complex problems that become more complex with each stage of growth. We choose a path that requires emotional intelligence and leadership - a relational IQ that can allow us to meet the needs of the market, lead our teams and maintain our relationships with other people in our...
In this episode of the heal for real podcast, I am talking about trauma and choice.
I discuss what trauma is - and how my understanding of trauma allows me to have a very pragmatic and optimistic view of healing.
I also discuss the role of choice in healing and why I believe that - for entrepreneurs and high performers - understanding trauma and healing makes life and business so much better.
Embodied Healing Systems Waitlist: https://www.shylacash.com/EHS1
Work with me 1-1: https://www.shylacash.com/application
Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange
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