Worship & Your Nervous System


Oxford Languages Defines worship as:
The feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
"the worship of God"

Interestingly, Dr Stephen Porges, founder of Polyvagal Theory has discussed the importance of cultivating a sense of “awe” as part of restoring the health of the nervous system.

As believers, the ultimate source of awe is God Himself. The Bible will often describe this as the “fear of the Lord”

When we worship God, there is a change in the spirit and the body.

In the presence of the Lord a natural surrender occurs in which we may weep, tremble, or move in ways that we do not normally do. Not just the spirit, but the physical body surrenders/yields to the Lord.

Worship is the expression of the awe of God.
When we worship, we are brought into the presence of the Lord.

Here we are in the presence of perfection and purity. We are in the presence of all that is good and true.

This presence is healing &...

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Heal for Real 98 - Theology of Trauma - Back to the Beginning Sin & The Fall

Let's go back to the beginning, shall we? 

In this episode, I share from the book of Genesis - The beginning of the Bible. 

Since I have become a Christian, my worldview has been transformed by the power of God's word and His Holy Spirit. And this worldview change, includes how I approach the philosophical ideas and theories of trauma. What we believe about God and ourselves will impact how we approach the treatment of trauma and the experience of suffering and healing. I believe the Bible gives a coherent, powerful, and ultimately liberating reason for why we experience trauma and suffering in our world today. 

Here's some of what I cover in this episode:
What is theology? 
Why is theology important to trauma? 
Sin and the fall
Why is there trauma in the world? 
How I approach the science of somatics (body-based trauma healing)
Practical guidelines for Christians as you approach your trauma healing journey to stay grounded in God's Word and avoid being led...

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Learning to Trust in the Lord

‍ Learning to Trust the Lord ‍

The thing God has been dealing with me most about since I gave my life to Christ last year has been trust.

Trust is a scary dirty word for a lot of us.

Add in a childhood wrought with abuse and neglect or any kind of relational or spiritual trauma for that matter and you compound on the challenge.

In my years of personal trauma recovery, nervous system repair, and formal training - I’ve learned and experienced a lot about the body and trust.

About how the nervous system can be wired for a kind of closed off hyper-independence in which we construct a life where we protect ourselves from the need to trust others for anything.

How the nervous system can learn to be drawn to (and even cling to) what is unsafe in relationships and deeply untrustworthy.

How we can be so cut off from our God-given intuition that we can’t even FEEL the instincts let alone discern and trust them.

How we can feel terrified to trust that which is actually...

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