Granted - spiritual bypassing is a real thing and it is a problem in every spiritual community - even in mindset communities - it’s mindset bypassing instead of spiritual bypassing.
I used to believe that the way to be free from spiritual bypassing and patterns of denial was through the body.
I believed that you had to learn to regulate your nervous system to truly heal and understand spirituality.
I don’t believe that anymore.
I still think the nervous system plays a major role in healing of any kind.
And if you were to take Jesus out of the picture, then that is where you would start - with the patterns in the body.
But the Bible is true when it says that the Spirit (that is the Holy Spirit) makes the body alive. (Romans 8:11).
Jesus gives you a new heart when you give your life to Him.
Before we know God we have a heart of stone. The heart of stone is a heart that is spiritually blind,...
Learning to Trust the Lord
The thing God has been dealing with me most about since I gave my life to Christ last year has been trust.
Trust is a scary dirty word for a lot of us.
Add in a childhood wrought with abuse and neglect or any kind of relational or spiritual trauma for that matter and you compound on the challenge.
In my years of personal trauma recovery, nervous system repair, and formal training - I’ve learned and experienced a lot about the body and trust.
About how the nervous system can be wired for a kind of closed off hyper-independence in which we construct a life where we protect ourselves from the need to trust others for anything.
How the nervous system can learn to be drawn to (and even cling to) what is unsafe in relationships and deeply untrustworthy.
How we can be so cut off from our God-given intuition that we can’t even FEEL the instincts let alone discern and trust them.
How we can feel terrified to trust that which is actually...
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