I Was Like A Beast

I was like a beast toward you…

Psalm 73:21-22
When my soul was embittered,
    when I was pricked in heart,

I was brutish and ignorant;
    I was like a beast toward you.


“I was like a beast toward you…”

In our natural state, we are embittered toward God. Completely brutish, ignorant and beastly. Filled with pride, unable to see how utterly poor we are in spirit.

King Nebuchadnezzar in his pride stood on the roof of the palace and boasted of all his accomplishments - how he had built up Babylon with his mighty power. 


But even as he beat his chest in self-congratulation, he was humbled moments later and for seven years he became an insane beast in the wild.

While the words were still in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, “O King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: The kingdom has departed from you,  and you shall be driven from among men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of...

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Trauma Healing in the Christian Life

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hearttochrist/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hearttochrist3 
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/share/rHyrot6wuEgW9TVj/ 

Well I wrestled with sharing this - because I really don’t want to be misunderstood as condemning. This is not being published to condemn or to take a legalistic stance on therapy, medication or anything like that. 

This is a word that has been building continually on my Spirit since my salvation around the difference between trauma healing as a believer in Jesus vs trauma healing in the world. 

The healing journeys look very different. 

While much of secular healing, personal development and psychology falls in the realm of common grace and is neutral and we are free to use it as believers. 

However, there has been an idolatry of these modalities and even modalities that directly contradict what the Lord has shown us in His Word about the nature of...

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Can you know God Without Jesus? General Knowledge of God Vs Saving Knowledge of Jesus

I received a question on my instagram that is a GREAT QUESTION! And I want to take the time to answer it here:

The Question:
Hello. Real question, do you really think people who have never heard about Jesus can never be connected to the real God ? Or are there cases where it could be (indigenous people for instance, who talk about and with « the great spirit, the great mystery »… or even occidental people who would just talk to « God ».

The answer to this question can be found in understanding the difference between a Saving Knowledge of Jesus VS a General Revelation of God. 

General Knowledge/Revelation of God 

All people - though many will not admit it - have a general knowledge of God. We have general knowledge of God through our conscience and our capacity for moral reasoning. And we also have this general knowledge through how God has revealed Himself in Creation. 


The Bible teaches us about God’s revelation of Himself...

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What is the Holy Spirit?


There are many spirits influencing the coaching space. It's a very spiritual space which I quite like because it represents people who are searching for what really matters.

But there is only one pure and HOLY spirit.

So - What is the Holy Spirit (ruach ha-kodesh in Hebrew) ?

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.

It is the same spirit that breathed upon the waters in the book of Genesis and created the earth.

It is the Spirit that raised Jesus' body from the dead.

It is the same Spirit that fills up your heart when you receive salvation (when you put all your trust and faith in Jesus and His Sacrifice on the cross and you give your life to Him). When this happens, the Spirit makes your body alive.

The Holy Spirit is described by Jesus as a Comforter.

After Jesus appeared to the disciples in his Risen body, He told them He was going to up to heaven to the Father to prepare a place for them.

They were sad that He was leaving, but He explained to them that...

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I just keep walking away

I just keep walking away… ‍‍‍

And this one feels hard to write.

This month I was scheduled to go to my Advanced Somatic Experiencing Training (SE Advanced 2) in Halifax.

The hotel was booked.
The flight. The train.
The registration.
All set to go.

The final culmination of three years of time and investment, relationship building with beautiful colleagues.

Somatic work has been a pillar in my life for at least 7 years of a 14 year plus healing journey.

I began my SE training already having read and studied the topic intensively for years. Having worked with SE practitioners.

I believed Somatic Experiencing to be the “missing piece” in my life and in the world of personal development.

Through my sanctification process I left behind everything else. The Lord opened my eyes a few months after my salvation in the middle of the night to the spiritual dangers of what I was practicing with the I Ching, Human Design and Gene Keys, Spiritual Kinesiology. I also...

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A Fresh Look at Self-Sabotage

What is Self-Sabotage? 
Self-sabotage is a common phrase used in modern psychology and healing communities. It can be described as feeling a deep desire to do things that you know will be good, healthy and beneficial for you and for your life - but at the same time, and often unwillingly taking actions or inaction that prevents you from what is good, healthy and beneficial in your life. And may actually harm you.

An example - You know that it will be beneficial to your health to lose weight, but feel addicted to foods that cause health issues and weight gain. The food comforts you and you eat it even though in the long run it harms you, your goals, and your self-esteem and brings you shame. 

Self-Sabotage & The Human Condition
This is a very human issue. All humans have an area of life where this pattern of sabotage seems to eat away at us. Whether it is breaking patterns of addiction, creating new healthy habits, cultivating discipline, overcoming...
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That Distinct Feeling in my Chest - Under the Shadow of His Wings

That Distinct Feeling of being Under the Shadow of His Wings…


I shared with someone yesterday about this very distinct feeling that is old and yet new to me at the same time.


It is the feeling of being under submission to God, and sealed by Him. It is a sense of his protection and covering. The felt-sense of a shield around me. 


As a child I felt this distinctly… a sense that there was something different about me. A vulnerability in my chest. That feeling was wrapped up in the extreme trauma that was my household filled with chaos, abuse and dysfunction.  And it was made complicated by the fact that I wanted to be like everyone else. I wanted to be normal. I didn’t like the feeling. I wanted to thrash out of it when I was around other people. 


Since my salvation last year that vulnerability in my chest has returned. The sense of being different. But what I have realized is that this is the soft, fleshy heart the Lord...

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