I just keep walking away

I just keep walking away… ‍‍‍

And this one feels hard to write.

This month I was scheduled to go to my Advanced Somatic Experiencing Training (SE Advanced 2) in Halifax.

The hotel was booked.
The flight. The train.
The registration.
All set to go.

The final culmination of three years of time and investment, relationship building with beautiful colleagues.

Somatic work has been a pillar in my life for at least 7 years of a 14 year plus healing journey.

I began my SE training already having read and studied the topic intensively for years. Having worked with SE practitioners.

I believed Somatic Experiencing to be the “missing piece” in my life and in the world of personal development.

Through my sanctification process I left behind everything else. The Lord opened my eyes a few months after my salvation in the middle of the night to the spiritual dangers of what I was practicing with the I Ching, Human Design and Gene Keys, Spiritual Kinesiology. I also...

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