Repairing Relational Trauma

At its core, repairing relational trauma as in complex and childhood trauma (including family dysfunction) requires intimacy. New experiences with intimacy and being seen in new and safe ways.
That’s messy business! 🥰
It FEELS messy and chaotic. It’s not something you can mindset your way into - or intellectualize or talk around.
Sure there’s some mindset involved - but the actual healing and renegotiation work is body stuff. Plain and simple.
The work I do with clients is about tapping into those intimacy and relational patterns at their core.
I work with super smart, ambitious, talented tender hearted people who have been able to figure ALOT of things out with their minds and mindset, and even some emotional work.
They’ve built lives they are proud of and thankful for and accomplish more than most - others wonder how they can do it all….
And yet?
They still have pockets of life that feel mysteriously challenging.
For example:
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Human Design and Alignment

As a generator (Human Design) understanding what I specifically am here to build has been such an incredible journey and has really transformed my relationship to my work.
I have always loved work, excellence, ambition and achievement. I am a nature loving spiritual woman who will whip out a healing prayer in our coaching session, AND I love work, the heat of ambition, business and goals and success. I love entrepreneurship, and advancement and innovation.
To me, work, when stripped down to its purest form is a sacred contribution we make to the world. We didn’t come here to do nothing. We came here to create, make things, make magic and collaborate with others.
Greatness is in each of us (yes I absolutely believe that!!!!)
Lately my work flow has taken on a life of its own.
I have a 1-1 practice, a certification school, and a mastermind which I currently run. I’m also writing LOTS of stuff (Book of Healing Prayers, memoir, screenwriting) And yet, what I...
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I’m writing a memoir, and in that process I’ve been reflecting on lots of moments in my healing journey. On this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing one of those moments with you. An important time in my life 8 or 9 years ago when I healed the top layers of depression, freeze, and paranoid delusions. It was both a physical and spiritual experience. 






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Video Version of My Cover of Adele’s I Drink Wine From Her New Album 30:

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Your Journey is Divine

If you have lived a life that has required you to go into nervous system and spiritual override (aka pushing past your body, sensations & emotions), when you make the conscious choice to slow down and come back to your body it can be very uncomfortable. Your body will do all kinds of things as it receives signals that it is now only to move into the natural state of repair.
This is the time where you are becoming present to what the override has prevented you from feeling.
Yes our natural state is to live inside our bodies, but it is something we must re learn. And RE member.
And the detoxification of the old way is very real within you.
Harmony is our nature but our nature has been forgotten.
The pattern you are rewiring when you come home to yourself is a big one! It includes your cells, nervous system, spirit and psyche as well as your generational line past and present.
So be patient with yourself. Release attachment to the mind, to the outcome, to what the mind...
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Shed that old skin. Dance in the Metamorphosis

I’m moving through a time of deep detox in my life. On a cellular level I can feel myself release-release-releasing so much of the old skin. And it’s a complete internal process - has nothing to do with what’s outside of me in the physical sense.

If I’m honest I’ve definitely tried to manufacture metamorphosis in my before life by pushing things away in my outer world. People, places, things. But it never works does it?

No - this time - like the (many) other times I’ve gone through this deep and true and real spiritual cleansing - is all about my inner world. The habits, thought processes, and spiritual ties that for whatever reason are now ready to be released from me.  Whenever this happens, I feel this intense clarity of vision and direction.  The way becomes clearer. The sharpness of truth starts slicing away what's not so true at all.

Yes, it’s raw.
Yes, it does involve making some internal adjustments.
Yes, it definitely...

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