I’m writing a memoir, and in that process I’ve been reflecting on lots of moments in my healing journey. On this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing one of those moments with you. An important time in my life 8 or 9 years ago when I healed the top layers of depression, freeze, and paranoid delusions. It was both a physical and spiritual experience.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange
Email me: [email protected]
Apply to Work With Me 1-1: www.shylacash.com
Join the SUPERNOVA Mastermind: www.shylacash.com/supernova
Video Version of My Cover of Adele’s I Drink Wine From Her New Album 30: https://www.facebook.com/515586732/videos/585378659412257/
Who does your soul say that you are?
Are you listening to the voice of your soul? Or the voice of the outside world? Or the conditioning and trauma of the past?
Watch my Instagram Live Replay here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CVBQ1D4BtcK/
Let your soul lead and you will be more prosperous than you EVER dreamed of being!
Your soul KNOWS who you are and has always known.
You have been given permission from the divine to prosper from the pure expression of your soul in the world!
SUPERNOVA DOORS ARE WIDE OPEN TO YOU BABY! Soul to soul. Spiritual Mastermind for Leaders &Entrepreneurs - heal, radiate & prosper!
Or go to the link in bio!
There is nothing emptier than chasing money for its own sake.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with money.
We use money in our current society as a resource.
And I think if you feel driven to create more of that resource, then you want to follow that drive.
Ambition is a beautiful thing - I think it’s innately human and magnificent.
But the human heat of ambition is meant to fuel you to carry out your vision in the world from alignment.
Money is only one component of that.
Money is not the devil, but it’s not God either.
Money is not a saviour. It’s not a healer.
And, you can have money without prosperity.
This is how you can end up making money you never dreamed of making in your business and still feel out of alignment, lack of vitality and feel empty.
You can accumulate money doing many things with many skills and many talents. Once you get beyond some basic money mindset work, you can run with it and make money...
Let’s talk enmeshment.
If you know, you know.
When you grow up in a pathological home one of the most painful and terrorizing realizations is the realization that you have been parentified - made into the emotional parent of your home. Taking on responsibility that was never yours. And all the while, without you even noticing your every need went ignored and even punished.
The emotionally immature parent hates to see the reflection of their inability. And so, they will often emotionally punish if you show how their abuse has taken its toll on you.
Instead of seeing YOU and meeting your emotional needs, your parent made you responsible for meeting theirs.
In abusive, pathological homes - the caregivers/parents are emotionally immature. They struggle to see their kiddos as beings in need of selfless love and care. Their kids trigger their own subconscious imprinting of shame, neediness, and trauma. And, being incapable/unwilling of...
To me, there is absolutely no recovery from childhood abuse and neglect and trauma without spiritual power. They simply co-exist together. Because everything is everything - the body, the spirit, the psyche, the emotional body… everything IS everything.
Ya.. but WHAT IS spiritual power EXACTLY?
Well… it’s the thing that carried you through the horrors you survived- for one.
But also, it’s the thing that is ACTUALLY going to move your life forward beyond survival and into abundance, joy and most importantly receiving love.
And I’m not talking about the soggy weak spirituality of fake love and light which pretends everything is okay behind glossy dissociated eyes.
I’m talking about the spiritual power that comes from integrating the WHOLE thing. From your head down to your toes, and from your toes back up to your head. Because spirituality without connection to the body is the kind of spirituality that actually perpetuates the...
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