On this episode of the podcast I have an incredible woman, entrepreneur, mother and shining star joining me for an interview! One of my beautiful clients - Doreen Korba!  Doreen is a life and business coach who became an entrepreneur after 15 years as a marketing executive. She also holds a Masters Degree in counseling psychology. Doreen helps her clients have time and financial freedom with mindset and business strategy tools. She is a wife and mom of 4 beautiful children.


She works with me 1-1 and is also part of the first class of my certification program, Embodied Healing Systems.

Listen to this episode to hear a little bit of Doreen’s story of grief and loss as well as what her experience has been like with the somatic, trauma healing work that we do in our coaching together. She shares how the work has helped her in her life and business journey. 

She also shares what she is getting out of Embodied Healing Systems that is helping her in her own...

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Your Spiritual Gifts

I used to be scared to own my gifts as a healer. To claim that.
But I realized that to steward the gift, I had to own it. Fully. Regardless of what others may think. Regardless of what even I may think of myself!
If you’ve got a gift you’ve got it. Not because you “deserve” it. But because you’ve been blessed with it. That’s what makes it a gift.
Mind you I’ve done a fair share of mining that gift and honing it over the years. Even still - There is a mysterious element to it, as there is with all spiritual gifts.
It takes courage to own the gifts you’ve been given. It’s vulnerable. It’s tender to offer it to the world. To say “I can help you with that, I can hold that space for you”.
But when you own the gift, you are empowered to steward it in service - from a pure place in your heart.
From a desire to serve a higher purpose.
Your gifts are needed in the world and it is your sacred responsibility...
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[PODCAST EPISODE 62] - BONUS - I Can Feel Myself Changing

In this short and sweet episode i'm sharing some of the evolution I'm going through, and sharing some snippets of my own story and journey. You'll love this bonus episode. 

Free Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/traumahealingforhighperformers

Message me on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/growhealchange/

Email - [email protected]

Work With Me - https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 

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PODCAST EPISODE 41 - If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me? Healing the Desperation of Codependency

In this episode, we're talking about codependency, its connection to childhood trauma, nervous system states, and attachment wounding and I'm giving you some tips to heal from the desperation and loneliness of codependency

Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme
Email Me: [email protected]

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[PODCAST EPISODE 40] - When Pain is Normal

Growing up in dysfunctional families means that we become extremely familiar with pain. 

In this podcast, I'm talking about breaking free from traumatic loops when pain is all we know. I cover running from pain, self compassion and more. 

Pain does not have to be your normal. 

Email me [email protected]
Website: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme

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No suffering is insignificant. Suffering and trauma are part of the human experience. But, we don't have to be defined by our suffering. 

In this episode i'm talking about how it's not possible to get back to "normal" after the life-altering experience of trauma, but it is possible to transcend normal, integrate the pain, and create personal power and purpose. 

Email Me: [email protected]
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme

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When we find ourselves approaching healing from a deep sense of unworthiness, we can start to feel like we must know everything about healing and consume all the info we can. But this comes from a deep sense of inadequacy that is subtle but insidious. 

In this episode, I'm helping you breathe a sigh of relief. You don't have to do it perfectly and you don't have to know everything to heal from trauma. You are worthy. It's not about the outside-in, but about the inside out. 

Work with me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme
Email: [email protected]


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It's so fun to indulge in fantasies - they are like warm blankets for us. Especially for those of us who used our daydreaming and fantasies to get through abusive and neglectful homes as children.

But in adulthood, over indulging in fantasies can steal our life energy and keeping us avoiding a reality that we don't like. 

In this episode I'm sharing some common fantasies of adults who grew up in dysfunctional homes and contrasting them with reality. 

I also share why it's so important to live in reality rather than in a fantasy world. 

Email me: [email protected]

Work with me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 


Hello hello hello and welcome to episode 34 of the grow heal change coaching podcast.

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Today’s topic is all about grieving fantasies and accepting realities. For those of us who grow up in abusive and neglectful childhood homes, we find ourselves living in a fantasy world. I know I was a big...

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In this episode, I'm talking about the incredible power of slowing down along the healing path. I share why it's so challenging for us to slow down when we've grown up in dysfunctional families, what the signs are that we're moving too fast, and the benefits of slowing down. 

I also share one important tool that I personally use for slowing down. 

Website: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 
Email me: [email protected]



Today i’m going to talk to you about a crucial crucial element to healing your life. Healing past pain and trauma -even very very deep trauma. And moving your life forward.  And that is the power of slowing down.

So many of you guys and my clients who have been on their healing journey for many many years and feel stuck and feel like they’re not making progress it’s because of this lack of ability to truly slow down and move through the process of healing your life.

High performers, high...

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[PODCAST EPISODE 32] You Can't Fix It

As adults who grew up in family dysfunction - we often find ourselves needing to fix others and ourselves. We get involved with people we believe need fixing, and we approach healing from the belief that we are faulty and need fixing. 

In this episode, I'm sharing where this compulsion comes from - how to release it, and reframe the core beliefs that cause it.

Work with me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 
Email Me: [email protected]
Free Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/525326287969708

Show Transcript Below: 

In my clients - and even in myself - I notice this impulse - really it’s a compulsion more so. To fix things. To fix other people - to fix ourselves - to fix the past - to fix every single little mistake.

Why do we feel the impulse to fix ourselves, fix others, and fix situations that have happened in the past?

It’s important to understand that this compulsive fixing behaviour is not your fault. It’s...

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