Prosperity is a Heart Thing

Crack wide open that heart of yours.
Let it sing and speak.
Let it burst with love, direction, fire and passion.
Let it lead STRAIGHT to your Divine Destiny through the path of least resistance.
It’s not true that you need the bells and whistles.
It’s not true that you need to sell your soul.
It’s not true that you need to be someone or something outside of you.
It’s just not true.
All you must do is be present, hold space for the pressure and fear and let the the stellar explosion of your heart break wide open in surrender.
Prosperity is a heart thing. It’s a body thing. It is not material. It is not status.
It is the pure open hearted vulnerability of doing your sacred work in the world with all your heart and soul.
And breathing into it. Grounding into it with faith and surrender.
This is a revolutionary way of doing business. It is healing, liberating, and uniquely your own.
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[ Podcast Episode 61 - Fear, Resistance & Control ]

In this week's episode, I'm talking about how fear, resistance and control are trauma responses. Once we become aware of this, we can begin to release the harmful imprints of living in fear, resistance and control at the level of our bodies. As we do this, we re-discover our own wholeness. 



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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 60] What is a Trauma Response?

In this episode I'm talking about trauma responses. 

I'm breaking down what they are, how they create a lack of health in our lives, and how we can gently change our internal state so that our trauma responses are LESS required, or not required at all. 

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Shownotes Below:

What is a Trauma Response?


First, a reminder of what trauma actually is. Trauma is too much, too fast, too soon. 

Trauma is a shock to the system that has not been fully processed. 


That means it gets stuck inside your body, creating a state of dysregulation and a lack of health. The lack of health occurs because in a moment of shock, our normal flow of life is interrupted by the shock of the danger or threat so that the body can use all of its resources to keep you...

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Podcast Episode - 42 Trauma Is Not A Dirty Word


Does acknowledging trauma mean that we are playing a victim? 
Is saying that you were traumatized as a child being TOO dramatic? 
How can we take personal responsibility for our healing if we are wallowing in victimhood? 

In this episode I'm helping you understand that trauma is NOT a dirty word. Everyone experiences trauma in life in some way. I'm helping you understand that acknowledging that you were traumatized does NOT mean you are wallowing. In fact, if we don't acknowledge our trauma, it controls us and makes our lives worse. To move forward, we've got to acknowledge the reality of what happened.

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[PODCAST EPISODE 37] Despair, Depression & Heaviness - Moving Through

This week's episode is about the deeper layers hidden in our brain imprinting, physiology, and emotional body. Join me as I discuss the impact of repressed despair, how it begins and how to move through it and release it. 

Email me: [email protected]
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In this episode, I'm talking about the incredible power of slowing down along the healing path. I share why it's so challenging for us to slow down when we've grown up in dysfunctional families, what the signs are that we're moving too fast, and the benefits of slowing down. 

I also share one important tool that I personally use for slowing down. 

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Today i’m going to talk to you about a crucial crucial element to healing your life. Healing past pain and trauma -even very very deep trauma. And moving your life forward.  And that is the power of slowing down.

So many of you guys and my clients who have been on their healing journey for many many years and feel stuck and feel like they’re not making progress it’s because of this lack of ability to truly slow down and move through the process of healing your life.

High performers, high...

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What is Emotional Health?

What is Emotional Health? 

In this video I'm breaking down Emotional Health. I'm talking about what it is, and three essential pillars to building it:

1. Taking Responsibility for Your Life

2. Feeling/Experiencing Your Emotions

3. Loving and Caring For Yourself

To work with me 1-1, send me an email: [email protected]

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