Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 77 - Interview With Annabelle Sorensen

Interview With Annabelle

On this episode of the podcast I have another client interview for you!

This is a conversation with one of my beautiful clients, Annabelle Sorensen. She is a life coach for young adults looking to live happier and more fulfilling lives.

Annabelle came to work with me after her father’s sudden passing to work with her nervous system to process the grief of losing him.

In this conversation, we talk about:

The mind-body connection in processing grief
Showing up authentically in your family

How working with your own nervous system can make family relationships healthier and more fulfilling for you


And lots more!

Follow Annabelle on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/annabelle_sorensen_/

Follow Shyla on Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange
Join the Waitlist for Embodied Healing Systems here: www.shylacash.com/EHS1
Apply to work with Shyla 1-1 here: www.shylacash.com

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Your Journey is Divine

If you have lived a life that has required you to go into nervous system and spiritual override (aka pushing past your body, sensations & emotions), when you make the conscious choice to slow down and come back to your body it can be very uncomfortable. Your body will do all kinds of things as it receives signals that it is now only to move into the natural state of repair.
This is the time where you are becoming present to what the override has prevented you from feeling.
Yes our natural state is to live inside our bodies, but it is something we must re learn. And RE member.
And the detoxification of the old way is very real within you.
Harmony is our nature but our nature has been forgotten.
The pattern you are rewiring when you come home to yourself is a big one! It includes your cells, nervous system, spirit and psyche as well as your generational line past and present.
So be patient with yourself. Release attachment to the mind, to the outcome, to what the mind...
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[PODCAST EPISODE 37] Despair, Depression & Heaviness - Moving Through

This week's episode is about the deeper layers hidden in our brain imprinting, physiology, and emotional body. Join me as I discuss the impact of repressed despair, how it begins and how to move through it and release it. 

Email me: [email protected]
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 

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