Is the Faithful Institute Right for You if Your Business Serves Non-Christians?

I got a great question from a woman considering joining the Faithful Institute:

She asked: I think I am meant to work with Christians AND non-Christians  - will the certification be beneficial for me?

The answer is absolutely!!

This certification is about equipping you as a woman of God in the coaching industry regardless of who you work with and what your niche is!

As a reminder - The Pillars of the Faithful Institute are:

‍Biblical Philosophy and Unapologetically Christian Worldview

‍In Depth Scientific Nervous System Education

‍Business & Entrepreneurial Skills Training

These pillars are applicable across all niches in the coaching space regardless of who you help and the belief systems of those you help.

Here is why:

Regardless of what the people you are helping believe in - you want to have a solid coaching philosophy that is in alignment with YOUR faith as the one who is running your business. The coaching philosophy inside the Faithful Institute is a...

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Don't you See? Receiving is Your Natural State

.What about receiving? 

…being carried, guided and supported by the flow, by God who is life itself.

To receive, you open your hands
Open your heart…


Versus chasing after everything from your mind and your tight shoulders.

You don’t receive from working hard in your brain.

Braced up for impact all the while. Desiring more in your heart of hearts and at the same time thinking hard about how to get it.

Receiving is the deep down breath into the tummy and down into the ground.

Receiving is the letting go through the body and the full experience of surrender…

My journey with receiving has been quite the roller coaster.

Because letting go wasn’t something that came naturally to me…

My biology was wired for holding so tight and tighter and tighter and tighter until it hurt like hell and then holding on some more. Abuse and neglect will do that to a person.

First with relationships - then with money.

I chased after my parents love.
I twisted and...

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 81 - The Hope of Repair in a Culture of Management

This week on the podcast I'm sharing with you the foundational paradigm for this work I do! And that paradigm is the hope and potential of repair when it comes to trauma, our bodies and even our communities and our world. 

I am sharing with you this idea in contrast to what I believe is a culture of management. 

I share what the fundamental differences are between a paradigm of repair and management. And I also share about how a management paradigm can be damaging over long periods of time for the nervous system. 

I get a little philosophical in this episode - because I believe that we as practitioners and as people who care about our lives and communities need to be thinking about the paradigms and philosophies that we are bringing to our world.

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Book your consultation for the School of Embodied Healing Systems (Enrolment ends July 31st) : ...

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 I’ve got another awesome conversation with an incredible client for you this week on the Heal for Real podcast!

This beautiful interview with Sarah really encompasses why I even do this work. To help AMAZING people with inherent gifts and skills heal their lives and soar in the world. Sarah certainly is one of those amazing people. Anyone who knows Sarah knows that she is an absolute shining light and a born leader.

Her optimistic spirit really shines through everything she does.

Sarah is a Certified Leadership & Management Coach. She holds a Masters in Public Administration & is a Project Management Professional. Her personal 16-year professional adventure has led her to share the lessons she has learned about resilience and change. She mentors leaders in ANY transition or stage of growth.

Sarah came to work with me 1-1 after realising she had some stored trauma due to complications she experienced during the birth of her twins. On this episode, she shares...

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Working at the Core

I'm about working with issues at the core.
Because it’s efficient and it works faster.
Deep Healing is physical and spiritual business. The pull to move back into old patterns is mental and emotional - but actually at the core it’s physical and spiritual.
Sometimes you’re fighting a spiritual battle but you think it’s in your mind.
In those moments it truly feels like otherworldly forces are holding you back from your destiny.
And you can’t claw your way out with your mindset tools because the issue is deeper.
This isn’t a scary thing. Because when you understand the core of the issue you are more equipped to solve it. You no longer are in agony looking for a needle in a haystack.
And you can reach out for help - ask for support from the Divine, from heavenly forces.
Strengthen your mind through tending to your spirit. It’s the shortcut.
Humanity is going through a big change in this moment.
While you may have felt...
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Managing vs. Healing

Driven, ambitious people are scrappy, super smart and willing to do what it takes. Entrepreneurs are resourceful.
That’s why I love working with them.
If you’re entrepreneurial and working to bring your vision to the world, then you are the type that will go the extra mile and push through! You’re made that way.
You have grit and tenacity and you’ll get back up and fight for your dreams. You’ll fight to build a better life for yourself and you’ll work hard to do it. (Ask me how I know darling!)
When you have trauma patterns in your nervous system and cells from childhood, or other life circumstances, this pushing through is a way to MANAGE something deeper. While it works as a temporary solution, over time it begins to take a greater toll.
Where pushing through body heaviness, anxiety, high functioning depression, chronic fatigue and pushing down memories to get things done was once very do-able - as we age it becomes less and less...
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Calling all Entrepreneurs!

As a fellow entrepreneur and high-performer - I know how important your business goals are to you. You want to bring your vision into the world and help the amazing people you serve in business.
I also know what it takes to do that: energy, health, stress management, and clear alertness that allows you to move with confidence and alignment in the marketplace.
If you’ve got trauma patterns, there is no better time to address them than right now. Why? Because if you’ve got trauma in your life and it’s going unaddressed, that’s an amazing LEVERAGE point that can help you meet your life and business goals with a LOT more ease and energy.
I believe so passionately in trauma work! Not because you need to go digging around in the past, but because your future will thank you for it!
Having specialised support to navigate chronic stress patterns and trauma patterns in your life is the best way to take care of yourself this year.
I’ve got 4 1-1...
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On this episode of the podcast I have an incredible woman, entrepreneur, mother and shining star joining me for an interview! One of my beautiful clients - Doreen Korba!  Doreen is a life and business coach who became an entrepreneur after 15 years as a marketing executive. She also holds a Masters Degree in counseling psychology. Doreen helps her clients have time and financial freedom with mindset and business strategy tools. She is a wife and mom of 4 beautiful children.


She works with me 1-1 and is also part of the first class of my certification program, Embodied Healing Systems.

Listen to this episode to hear a little bit of Doreen’s story of grief and loss as well as what her experience has been like with the somatic, trauma healing work that we do in our coaching together. She shares how the work has helped her in her life and business journey. 

She also shares what she is getting out of Embodied Healing Systems that is helping her in her own...

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Spiritual Practice & Embodiment in Business

For me, relying too much on logic in business creates a point of diminishing returns.
Logic is not the only element to life - it’s important for sure - but our mental logic is limited to our current paradigm! And this is a major flaw of the logic-only way of entrepreneurship.
To me, spiritual practice & embodiment is what brings the HEAT - as in the life force energy to business.
Business is about being in the market place, assessing need, contributing your gifts, creating things, connection, vision, faith and confidence and a lot more than logic.
For me business is also about flowing in harmony with the energetic current. I do have a second line in my Human Design Profile (sacral generator 5/2) which means things must be harmonious and NATURAL for me.
It doesn’t mean things can never be uncomfortable, it just means that discomfort needs to be in alignment with creating more ease in the long run. So the discomfort is about detoxing from old ways of being...
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Repairing Relational Trauma

At its core, repairing relational trauma as in complex and childhood trauma (including family dysfunction) requires intimacy. New experiences with intimacy and being seen in new and safe ways.
That’s messy business! 🥰
It FEELS messy and chaotic. It’s not something you can mindset your way into - or intellectualize or talk around.
Sure there’s some mindset involved - but the actual healing and renegotiation work is body stuff. Plain and simple.
The work I do with clients is about tapping into those intimacy and relational patterns at their core.
I work with super smart, ambitious, talented tender hearted people who have been able to figure ALOT of things out with their minds and mindset, and even some emotional work.
They’ve built lives they are proud of and thankful for and accomplish more than most - others wonder how they can do it all….
And yet?
They still have pockets of life that feel mysteriously challenging.
For example:
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