Calling all Entrepreneurs!

As a fellow entrepreneur and high-performer - I know how important your business goals are to you. You want to bring your vision into the world and help the amazing people you serve in business.
I also know what it takes to do that: energy, health, stress management, and clear alertness that allows you to move with confidence and alignment in the marketplace.
If you’ve got trauma patterns, there is no better time to address them than right now. Why? Because if you’ve got trauma in your life and it’s going unaddressed, that’s an amazing LEVERAGE point that can help you meet your life and business goals with a LOT more ease and energy.
I believe so passionately in trauma work! Not because you need to go digging around in the past, but because your future will thank you for it!
Having specialised support to navigate chronic stress patterns and trauma patterns in your life is the best way to take care of yourself this year.
I’ve got 4 1-1...
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Trauma Patterns and our Physiology

As you age, working with trauma patterns becomes more and more important. Especially if you’re an ambitious, high performing person who wants to, and indeed IS doing BIG stuff in the world!
Why? 😮
For most of us, our bodies move into trauma patterns unconsciously when we are young, adapting to both big and little stressors.
These stressors, if not dealt with properly, create changes in our cellular function, nervous system and DNA - but young bodies are naturally faster at keeping up with the oxidative stress.
But as we move into adulthood and beyond, The physical energy required to push the patterns away or avoid them takes an increasing toll on your cells and biological functions, as well as your executive functioning.
Meaning your body needs more and more energy to do the same things, and the pushing and avoiding becomes less and less available - and can show up in ways you wouldn’t expect (including chronic illness, brain fog, brain inflammation and more)...
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Are our Patterns really Mental?

Most of our patterns are not mental 🎤
This is especially true with patterns that are frustrating, confusing, chaotic, painful or difficult for you to change (ahem… ♥️t r a u m a)
There are mental COMPONENTS to patterns.
And indeed it helps to conceptualize them sometimes or to change our thinking about the pattern itself.
For example - if you have a pattern which you believe cannot change, it will help to slowly shift your idea to the possibility that it might or could potentially change.
But for the most part, our patterns live inside us in ways that are initially beyond our conscious control until we can get into the body to initiate an opening.
That’s why when you become aware of something it doesn’t immediately change.
Because there are physiological & biological (physical) as well as spiritual components to the patterns we carry with us - both good and bad.
When you’re wanting to change a pattern there are a couple things to look at:
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Accepting the Impact of Childhood Trauma

Accepting the impact of trauma is the most important step in the healing journey:


What Does it mean to accept the impact of trauma?
To become aware of and address the longstanding physical, emotional and mental effects of traumatic experiences. To make the journey back into the body and begin the process of discharging chronic stress so the body can move itself into a state of repair and regeneration.


I have worked with A LOT of high performers. And one thing I have noticed is that accepting the impact of trauma is VERY challenging. I experienced this myself early in my healing journey. There’s a protective denial that unconsciously forms around the pain of the past. 


And we unconsciously look away from these painful, shocking or terrorizing experiences that have happened to us. This is partly because this deep understanding of trauma and what it actually IS is very new - it’s very cutting edge. And so...

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There is no Shame!

There is no shame
In your heart’s desire.
The opening and blossoming of your essence
And the feeling of being fully alive.
The messiness and the grace.
The beautiful unfolding.
The depths and heights of you.
The beauty of your pure soul.
As you dance with life itself.
The healing is in the living.
It’s in the breathing.
Your self expression shining as bright as life itself.
Eliminating resistance.
You are a quantum imprint.
The footprints of the galaxy.
And there is no shame in that.
With Love,
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