This week’s podcast episode is about the seeming contradiction between the “ease and flow” paradigm and the “hard work” paradigm.


In the online and personal development space these two “camps” seem to be miles away from each other. In reality, I believe they are more closely related than they seem.

In this episode,  I share how I reconcile these two paradigms that seem to contradict each other. I also talk about how it all connects to your trauma healing and alignment journey as a high performer, entrepreneur and/or leader.

Work with me 1-1: www.shylacash.com 

Sign Up for The Embodied Healing Systems Waitlist: www.shylacash.com/EHS1 

Facebook post about this: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10158702512656733&set=a.215875161732 

Instagram:  www.instagram.com/growhealchange

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Accepting the Impact of Childhood Trauma

Accepting the impact of trauma is the most important step in the healing journey:


What Does it mean to accept the impact of trauma?
To become aware of and address the longstanding physical, emotional and mental effects of traumatic experiences. To make the journey back into the body and begin the process of discharging chronic stress so the body can move itself into a state of repair and regeneration.


I have worked with A LOT of high performers. And one thing I have noticed is that accepting the impact of trauma is VERY challenging. I experienced this myself early in my healing journey. There’s a protective denial that unconsciously forms around the pain of the past. 


And we unconsciously look away from these painful, shocking or terrorizing experiences that have happened to us. This is partly because this deep understanding of trauma and what it actually IS is very new - it’s very cutting edge. And so...

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Freedom from Survival

🌺Speak these words over your life and family with a hand on your heart or tummy (or both) and take them into your being🌺
This is an excerpt from the FREEDOM FROM SURVIVAL CLEARING PRAYER we are doing tomorrow inside SUPERNOVA.
I am always writing new healing prayers as they come through me, to address the needs of my clients and the healing of humanity needs as a collective body.
The spiritual hunger in the Western world is massive, and I believe our survival stress around money has a lot to do with this deep need for spiritual nourishment.
We simply cannot expect to neglect our bodies and spirits and feel prosperous at the same time.
Tomorrow’s SUPERNOVA call is all about Embodied Prosperity, with a section on your nervous system and prosperity. I will be going through the different nervous system states and how the body holds patterns and becomes dependent on these states. These patterns have a direct impact on our financial health. Whether you are making 1m per...
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Episode 12 - Receiving

This week's episode is all about receiving - receiving is an energetic dynamic that comes from the heart

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