Managing vs. Healing

Driven, ambitious people are scrappy, super smart and willing to do what it takes. Entrepreneurs are resourceful.
That’s why I love working with them.
If you’re entrepreneurial and working to bring your vision to the world, then you are the type that will go the extra mile and push through! You’re made that way.
You have grit and tenacity and you’ll get back up and fight for your dreams. You’ll fight to build a better life for yourself and you’ll work hard to do it. (Ask me how I know darling!)
When you have trauma patterns in your nervous system and cells from childhood, or other life circumstances, this pushing through is a way to MANAGE something deeper. While it works as a temporary solution, over time it begins to take a greater toll.
Where pushing through body heaviness, anxiety, high functioning depression, chronic fatigue and pushing down memories to get things done was once very do-able - as we age it becomes less and less...
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Calling all Entrepreneurs!

As a fellow entrepreneur and high-performer - I know how important your business goals are to you. You want to bring your vision into the world and help the amazing people you serve in business.
I also know what it takes to do that: energy, health, stress management, and clear alertness that allows you to move with confidence and alignment in the marketplace.
If you’ve got trauma patterns, there is no better time to address them than right now. Why? Because if you’ve got trauma in your life and it’s going unaddressed, that’s an amazing LEVERAGE point that can help you meet your life and business goals with a LOT more ease and energy.
I believe so passionately in trauma work! Not because you need to go digging around in the past, but because your future will thank you for it!
Having specialised support to navigate chronic stress patterns and trauma patterns in your life is the best way to take care of yourself this year.
I’ve got 4 1-1...
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Life is Always Calling us Forward

✍🏾Struggle. Talent. Art. Performance. Trauma.
Working with high performers who are talented, gifted and skillful - helping them on their healing journey - PLUS my own fascination with work and what it means for us as humans (hello Generator 5/2 Human Design) always has me thinking about these things.
The pain of life and its relationship to our work.
The age-old idea seems to be true that most of our gifts emerge initially from a place of pain or need. This is why I believe we adore superheroes - mostly mere mortals whose powers were born through tragedy or pain.
What I am particularly interested as a healing and alignment coach to excellent people who love to excel, contribute and succeed - people who feel CALLED to a certain work in the world - is how we can evolve our relationship to the work we do.
Acknowledging that much of the birth of talents and gifts happened in the dark places.
Because what I see happen over and over is that the gift saves us when it’s...
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Your Journey is Divine

If you have lived a life that has required you to go into nervous system and spiritual override (aka pushing past your body, sensations & emotions), when you make the conscious choice to slow down and come back to your body it can be very uncomfortable. Your body will do all kinds of things as it receives signals that it is now only to move into the natural state of repair.
This is the time where you are becoming present to what the override has prevented you from feeling.
Yes our natural state is to live inside our bodies, but it is something we must re learn. And RE member.
And the detoxification of the old way is very real within you.
Harmony is our nature but our nature has been forgotten.
The pattern you are rewiring when you come home to yourself is a big one! It includes your cells, nervous system, spirit and psyche as well as your generational line past and present.
So be patient with yourself. Release attachment to the mind, to the outcome, to what the mind...
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What I'm Worried About...

Wanna know what I'm worried about?
Well for one... I'm nervous to write this email to you and press send. But at the same time... I want you to know me, so here goes...
I’m scared that my message, my experience, my story is just too much. I’m scared my real shit... like the REAL how-to of transformation that I took... the path I ACTUALLY followed and still follow now ... is way too R-rated, spiritual and just “out-there” for you to understand.
I’m scared to expose the truth of ME like that. It's like standing naked in the street.
The truth of what I ACTUALLY believe. I catch myself censoring myself... being scared and worried about what you'll think of me. Scared you'll think I'm too harsh and crazy and intense...
Like sure - my private clients know... I’m cool to share that in that intimate setting because I know it's what works and I know it will get them results so I can't NOT share all that soul-truth with them...
But when I’m out here...
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