Managing vs. Healing

Driven, ambitious people are scrappy, super smart and willing to do what it takes. Entrepreneurs are resourceful.
That’s why I love working with them.
If you’re entrepreneurial and working to bring your vision to the world, then you are the type that will go the extra mile and push through! You’re made that way.
You have grit and tenacity and you’ll get back up and fight for your dreams. You’ll fight to build a better life for yourself and you’ll work hard to do it. (Ask me how I know darling!)
When you have trauma patterns in your nervous system and cells from childhood, or other life circumstances, this pushing through is a way to MANAGE something deeper. While it works as a temporary solution, over time it begins to take a greater toll.
Where pushing through body heaviness, anxiety, high functioning depression, chronic fatigue and pushing down memories to get things done was once very do-able - as we age it becomes less and less...
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Operate from your Heart

You can build yourself around your business.
Around how it “should” be.
Around what “needs” to get done.
Around your next money goal.
Around your branding.
You can twist and turn to make it “clear” and palpable.
You can live a whole life in the chase.
You can live a whole life in the ups and downs and highs and lows of that.
Overriding your hearts desire, your nervous system with a smile on.
Or you can decide that your life and your business is built around you.
That you’re gonna build it from your heart.
You can tap back into faith and remember that what you are creating is BRAND NEW.
That you are birthing something revolutionary…
You can tap back into the destiny leadership you came here to embody…
Around who you are, Your gifts, your core values, your service to humanity. Your heart. And your sacred work.
You can build and twist yourself around your business to make it “successful”.
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Why Are You Here?

I wonder why you’re here…

Here with me… letting me invade your social media feed or your email inbox with all this stuff about healing, and creating the life you desire… 
Listening to the ramblings from my heart. 

Reading… watching…

I say that I wonder - but I think I actually know.

You’re not necessarily here for me… sure you like me (at least I hope you like me since you’re reading my stuff! LOL) … but it’s not really about that is it?

What it’s really about is you. 

If you’re reading this… if you’re my client or you just enjoy my writing and my general situation…. I think you recognize that what’s coming out of me, what I'm writing about, what I’m teaching about and what I truly believe in at my core… I think you recognize yourself in there (CAUGHT YA!)

There’s something in me… that is reflecting back to you… what  is...

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Episode 15 - Time & Trauma

This week's episode is the beginning of a three part series on Time and Trauma.

This is the first instalment of the series and it's all about the past.

Listen to the episode to hear my unique perspective on healing from the past as it relates to trauma. You've never heard it taught this way before. 

Show Transcript Below:

Episode 15
Time and Trauma

Hello - welcome to episode 15 of the podcast i’m so happy to be here with you all. And so happy that you’re listening and benefiting from this work. I want to ask a favour of you - if you like this podcast and you’re enjoying my work - it would mean the world to me if you could leave me a review on iTunes. You can do it right from your phone and it will help other people find this work and allow the reach of this show to reach others who need some help and support. I would greatly appreciate that so thank you so much.

So - today is going to be the first in a series of 3 episodes that I am doing about time and...

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