I've Been Thinking about Hard Work...

Been thinking about hard work.
I believe in hard work, there’s nothing wrong with it.
I actually kind of like it.
Actually I really like it.
I like producing things and making things.
It feels good to produce and I don’t believe that is inherently wrong at all.
I also believe in ease and flow.
Been thinking about hard work. ✍🏾
I believe in hard work, there’s nothing wrong with it.
I actually kind of like it.
Actually I really like it.
I like producing things and making things.
It feels good to produce and I don’t believe that is inherently wrong at all.
I also believe in ease and flow.
I don’t think these things are mutually exclusive.
I think hard work does build character, i think it pulls things out of us, and I think it is a form of service to the global community and our greater purpose. I especially love doing challenging work in collaboration - like screenwriting for example - hashing out details of a story with another writer and...
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Your Spiritual Gifts

I used to be scared to own my gifts as a healer. To claim that.
But I realized that to steward the gift, I had to own it. Fully. Regardless of what others may think. Regardless of what even I may think of myself!
If you’ve got a gift you’ve got it. Not because you “deserve” it. But because you’ve been blessed with it. That’s what makes it a gift.
Mind you I’ve done a fair share of mining that gift and honing it over the years. Even still - There is a mysterious element to it, as there is with all spiritual gifts.
It takes courage to own the gifts you’ve been given. It’s vulnerable. It’s tender to offer it to the world. To say “I can help you with that, I can hold that space for you”.
But when you own the gift, you are empowered to steward it in service - from a pure place in your heart.
From a desire to serve a higher purpose.
Your gifts are needed in the world and it is your sacred responsibility...
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Prosperity is a Heart Thing

Crack wide open that heart of yours.
Let it sing and speak.
Let it burst with love, direction, fire and passion.
Let it lead STRAIGHT to your Divine Destiny through the path of least resistance.
It’s not true that you need the bells and whistles.
It’s not true that you need to sell your soul.
It’s not true that you need to be someone or something outside of you.
It’s just not true.
All you must do is be present, hold space for the pressure and fear and let the the stellar explosion of your heart break wide open in surrender.
Prosperity is a heart thing. It’s a body thing. It is not material. It is not status.
It is the pure open hearted vulnerability of doing your sacred work in the world with all your heart and soul.
And breathing into it. Grounding into it with faith and surrender.
This is a revolutionary way of doing business. It is healing, liberating, and uniquely your own.
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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 49] Self - Alienation


In this episode I'm talking about a seemingly "heavy topic". I'm sharing with you the cycle of self-alienation which stems from an over-active toxic inner critic. I offer insights on the endless cycle of hating ourselves and catching ourselves in a double-bind and where this comes from. I also discuss how to become aware of this cycle happening in your own life and how to break-free. 

Email Me: [email protected]
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 



Self-Alienation is a concept that I’ve been thinking about and meditating and pondering and really looking to take all my knowledge and my energetic imprinting about it and my somatic experience with it and and externalize it and really get it out into the world in a powerful way for you all because I really really have a lot of experience with it and have done SOOOO much healing deeply in my own body mind and soul around it. And I’ve been doing a lot of...

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Usually after I practice my embodiment practice, I find that poetry flows so easily from me
As a child growing up in family dysfunction, writing was a lifeline.

Now, with years of healing and embodiment under my belt, I find that what comes out of me is the story of redemption, and holistic healing. It solidifies the integration of my story within me as a place of power where pain once held me hostage. 

The experience of family pathology and dysfunction begins before we are conscious.
It begins in our imprinting, before we can speak and often before we can remember.

Generational patterns live within us as what Dr. Peter Levine calls “procedural memories”. While we can’t access the cognitive memory, the body knows what lies beneath. It tells the story through tears, trembling, anxiety, depression and other ailments that serve as messengers.

This poem is about how I really didn’t know I had a self. I grew up fractured and traumatized by a narcissistic mother...

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Episode 15 - Time & Trauma

This week's episode is the beginning of a three part series on Time and Trauma.

This is the first instalment of the series and it's all about the past.

Listen to the episode to hear my unique perspective on healing from the past as it relates to trauma. You've never heard it taught this way before. 

Show Transcript Below:

Episode 15
Time and Trauma

Hello - welcome to episode 15 of the podcast i’m so happy to be here with you all. And so happy that you’re listening and benefiting from this work. I want to ask a favour of you - if you like this podcast and you’re enjoying my work - it would mean the world to me if you could leave me a review on iTunes. You can do it right from your phone and it will help other people find this work and allow the reach of this show to reach others who need some help and support. I would greatly appreciate that so thank you so much.

So - today is going to be the first in a series of 3 episodes that I am doing about time and...

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