Prosperity is a Heart Thing

Crack wide open that heart of yours.
Let it sing and speak.
Let it burst with love, direction, fire and passion.
Let it lead STRAIGHT to your Divine Destiny through the path of least resistance.
It’s not true that you need the bells and whistles.
It’s not true that you need to sell your soul.
It’s not true that you need to be someone or something outside of you.
It’s just not true.
All you must do is be present, hold space for the pressure and fear and let the the stellar explosion of your heart break wide open in surrender.
Prosperity is a heart thing. It’s a body thing. It is not material. It is not status.
It is the pure open hearted vulnerability of doing your sacred work in the world with all your heart and soul.
And breathing into it. Grounding into it with faith and surrender.
This is a revolutionary way of doing business. It is healing, liberating, and uniquely your own.
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Money: is it God or the Devil?

There is nothing emptier than chasing money for its own sake. 

Of course, there is nothing wrong with money. 
We use money in our current society as a resource. 

And I think if you feel driven to create more of that resource, then you want to follow that drive. 
Ambition is a beautiful thing - I think it’s innately human and magnificent. 
But the human heat of ambition is meant to fuel you to carry out your vision in the world from alignment.

Money is only one component of that. 
Money is not the devil, but it’s not God either. 
Money is not a saviour. It’s not a healer. 
And, you can have money without prosperity. 
This is how you can end up making money you never dreamed of making in your business and still feel out of alignment, lack of vitality and feel empty. 

You can accumulate money doing many things with many skills and many talents. Once you get beyond some basic money mindset work, you can run with it and make money...

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