Walking by Faith & The Utter Deadness of Self-Sufficiency

When I shut down my previous certification school - The School of Embodied Healing Systems during the launch of what I thought would be the 3rd round, I knew the Lord wanted to do something new - I just wasn’t totally sure what it was.

Despite the deep knowing in my Spirit that the Lord was leading me in a new direction and a sense that He wanted me to be poured out totally for Him and to completely study His Word and create something new in the industry….

The actual practicalities of it? It felt murky and really unknown territory.

During the time between shutting down The School of Embodied Healing Systems and launching Faithful - there was an intense pruning that took place. 

I would say the number 1 pruning during that time was pruning away self-sufficiency and running business by my own will and way.

Even at the beginning of the Faithful Launch I had my own ideas about what it would be and the Lord totally rearranged that from the pricing to the curriculum.


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This is a place of breakthrough

‍‍ This is a place of breakthrough, because the True, Living God is in the Room ‍‍


When I began selling the Faithful Institute last month, I had my own plans for the Institute.

The Holy Spirit has convicted me since I began selling it around Somatic Experiencing which was my primary mode of training. Click here to read the story of how I left that behind a few weeks ago after the Lord showed me some things about the Founder of SE.

I have had to repent to the Lord around this .

Another thing I felt led to do before I shared the story of leaving Somatic Experiencing behind, was to change the price from 7,500 to 3,000 and I shared that with my community as well (which ended up being confirmation for one of the students to sign up)!

And I have been feeling more and more to yield this program to the Spirit completely.

That has felt scary, and like a true leap of faith for me as God reveals the layers of my heart that I still held back.

Coming out of 5 years of running...

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Be Angry - Don't Sin: On Anger, Health & Trauma

The Somatic & Spiritual Side of Anger 

Anger is such an important part of health!

Yes - health.

Without the full spectrum of full human emotions - we are not physically healthy. Our Creator designed our emotional and physical experience to be connected to one another.

So - what happens when we repress? What happens when we grow up in homes and environments where the family pushes back or stifles our valid and honest emotional expression?

Emotional Dysregulation, Chronic Illness, High-Functioning Depression & Anxiety Symptoms, and Dysfunctional relationships,  Toxic Shame to name just a few.

What can also happen is a confusing relationship with God where we feel afraid to express ourselves to Him - to wrestle with Him, to pour out our hearts before him.

We can more easily get into abusive relationship dynamics and unhealthy spiritual communities because we are less likely to speak up, express needs, set boundaries and advocate for what is right.

When I work with...

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 100 - Co-Regulation Leads to Self-Regulation

Click here to listen to the episode on iTunes 


Everyone say it with me: Co-Regulation leads to self-regulation!

This is a key concept for understanding trauma healing at the nervous system level because it teaches us how we can access neuroplasticity with support from other people who have regulated nervous systems.

In this episode, I talk about

  • What is nervous system regulation exactly? 
  • How does co-regulation lead to self-regulation 
  • The Role of Co-Regulation in Neurodevelopment from the womb onward 
  • Bottom Up Brain Development (Dr Bruce Perry’s neurosequential development theory)
  • Dysregulation, trauma and the healing impact of Co-Regulation
  • The Fruit of the Spirit:How the Gospel makes us naturally more regulated and co-regulated

Scriptures mentioned in the episode: 

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Birthday Post - I'm 33! Reflecting on my first year as a born again believer.

I’m 33!

Yesterday (Tuesday, Sep 26, 2023) was my birthday.

I became a Christian last year - it’s my first full year as a born-again believer. 

Though I grew up in church I don’t feel that I had a saving faith as my heart did not fully grasp the truth of the gospel.

I had a general revelation of God and His Word but looking back I really don’t feel that I was saved.

The reason for that is because my true salvation last year felt so radical and life-altering that it pierced my heart and changed me forever.

Before I was saved I wandered and looked for truth in mystical traditions and spiritual systems like Chinese I Ching, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spiritual Kinesiology and basically whatever else appealed to me. I was sincere in my pursuit but sincerely deceived.

Until God led me to the truth of the Gospel.

As a result, this year has been kind of wild.

I have made serious changes in every area of my life in response to the Gospel being brought to me by the...

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HFR 97 - The Gospel of Jesus & The School of Embodied Healing Systems

Last year I gave my life to Jesus.

Since then He has been doing a deep work in my heart every area of my life, including my business. 

In this episode, I am going to share with you what the gospel is and what it has to do with this next round of The School of Embodied Healing Systems. 

The statement about EHS that I read on the podcast: 

My testimony: 

Email Me:
[email protected] 

Apply for this round of The School of Embodied Healing Systems - We start August 15th! 

Follow me on Instagram:


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Don't you See? Receiving is Your Natural State

.What about receiving? 

…being carried, guided and supported by the flow, by God who is life itself.

To receive, you open your hands
Open your heart…


Versus chasing after everything from your mind and your tight shoulders.

You don’t receive from working hard in your brain.

Braced up for impact all the while. Desiring more in your heart of hearts and at the same time thinking hard about how to get it.

Receiving is the deep down breath into the tummy and down into the ground.

Receiving is the letting go through the body and the full experience of surrender…

My journey with receiving has been quite the roller coaster.

Because letting go wasn’t something that came naturally to me…

My biology was wired for holding so tight and tighter and tighter and tighter until it hurt like hell and then holding on some more. Abuse and neglect will do that to a person.

First with relationships - then with money.

I chased after my parents love.
I twisted and...

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He was just like my mom...

He was just like my mom… 


In my early twenties I had a dumpster fire of a relationship filled with chaos and codependency. 


I was the savior and the good girl who was going to rescue my addict boyfriend and make him unbroken.

Have you ever been there?


Turns out it was me that was sick and twisted up from a childhood of abuse and stranger-than-fiction family dysfunction. 


My mother - the paranoid schizophrenic, violent, manic depressive tyrant. And my father, ever loyal to my mother and unable to get himself or me out of the situation.

When I was spat out into the world, I was driven, ambitious, high-performing and talented. I was also extremely unaware of just how much my childhood had marked me. 

I didn’t know I had brain damage from growing up in abuse and neglect. 

I didn’t know I was in the chronic freeze and had been my entire life.
I was a MESS - but I had no sweet clue about that. 



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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 90 - I EXIST - With My Client, Alana Schramm

In this episode, the lovely Alana shares her experience of doing this nervous system work! 

We Discuss: 

  • The difference between this work and other more talk and thought centred coaching and how she had to adjust to it
  • How somatic work supported Alana to naturally begin taking care of her body and nourishing it with food (something she had been working on for a long time, that naturally clicked into place with this work)
  • How the subtle, slow changes felt like a blossoming flower
  • Alana's experience inside EHS Foundations and how that supported her to integrate 1-1 work deeper 

If you enjoy this episode, could you please leave a rate and review? It helps others find this work, and I so appreciate it. 

Follow Shyla on Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange 
Email Shyla: [email protected] 
Join the Embodied Advantage Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/157460230490347 

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 89 - Natalie's Experience of EHS Foundations

In this episode, I am talking with my client - Natalie Steen about her experience inside EHS Foundations! 

Natalie is a health coach who helps restore women's vitality, drive, and appearance, so that gals 40 years and better, have a body that feels good to live in again!

In this episode we talk about 
What she learned about herself 
Her favourite tools from EHS Foundations
How the tools are still impacting her life now
How she was able to increase her client conversion rates using the tools she learned inside EHS Foundations 

Enjoy the episode! 

More from Natalie: https://www.bluestemnutrition.com/ 

Follow Shyla on Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange 
Email Shyla: [email protected] 
Join Shyla's Facebook Community, Embodied Advantage, For Coaches & Entrepreneurs: https://www.facebook.com/groups/157460230490347   
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