Successful put-together woman or good girl in disguise?

I had something to prove!

I didn’t want to be like my mom who was pure chaos walking and left nothing but destruction in her wake.

She was so uncontained and so wild and completely lacking any modicum of self-awareness.

As a kid I really just wanted to be normal.

I knew that I knew that I KNEW that I was not going to end up like my mom if I had anything to do with it.

So I constructed the image in my head of the successful put together woman I would one day become.

No longer an outsider.

No longer so different.

And I became that woman. And I’m so grateful for so many pieces of that.

And yet?

There was a part of me hidden - even from myself.

A part of me that was not fully alive.

And by part of me I mean the TRUE REAL me.

I hid behind being an expert on the nervous system - knowing the science and being so good at it. I hid behind my intellect. I wanted to be taken seriously. Seen as the consummate professional.

But yet? There was that other part of me that I had labelled...

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 90 - I EXIST - With My Client, Alana Schramm

In this episode, the lovely Alana shares her experience of doing this nervous system work! 

We Discuss: 

  • The difference between this work and other more talk and thought centred coaching and how she had to adjust to it
  • How somatic work supported Alana to naturally begin taking care of her body and nourishing it with food (something she had been working on for a long time, that naturally clicked into place with this work)
  • How the subtle, slow changes felt like a blossoming flower
  • Alana's experience inside EHS Foundations and how that supported her to integrate 1-1 work deeper 

If you enjoy this episode, could you please leave a rate and review? It helps others find this work, and I so appreciate it. 

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