Successful put-together woman or good girl in disguise?

I had something to prove!

I didn’t want to be like my mom who was pure chaos walking and left nothing but destruction in her wake.

She was so uncontained and so wild and completely lacking any modicum of self-awareness.

As a kid I really just wanted to be normal.

I knew that I knew that I KNEW that I was not going to end up like my mom if I had anything to do with it.

So I constructed the image in my head of the successful put together woman I would one day become.

No longer an outsider.

No longer so different.

And I became that woman. And I’m so grateful for so many pieces of that.

And yet?

There was a part of me hidden - even from myself.

A part of me that was not fully alive.

And by part of me I mean the TRUE REAL me.

I hid behind being an expert on the nervous system - knowing the science and being so good at it. I hid behind my intellect. I wanted to be taken seriously. Seen as the consummate professional.

But yet? There was that other part of me that I had labelled...

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 95 - What I'm Going Through & The Ones That Brought Me Here

So I woke up this morning brimming with gratitude for the integration and activation that's happening within me.

And I am just thinking about all the amazing people that have been divinely put on my path that planted seeds in my spirit.

And I had an overwhelming desire to share it all.

Well this is easily the most vulnerable - and longest live stream I have ever done.

This is the replay of the original stream on INSTA.

It's about what I’m going through and the people that brought me here…

Wow I was not expecting this to go on as long as it did - but it did!

And I was not expecting to be brought to tears - okay maybe I was lol! But not that much…

I share what I’m moving through and integrating and what is coming through me. I also share some of the key people along the way that have made such a difference in my life. Not all the key people of course but the ones that came to mind.

I talked about the deep feelings of self-disgust and self-loathing that kept me...

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Why Embodied Healing Systems is So Important to Me; My Story

There was a time when I didn’t have my right mind - my sanity. As a teen you could have diagnosed me with reactive attachment disorder and severe depression and ADHD among other things.

I grew up in a very dysfunctional home. My mom suffers with paranoid schizophrenia and manic depression.

Her childhood was awful - she talks about being suicidal at 11.

She didn’t make her way to healing.

And when she had me, she struggled. And as a result she severely abused and neglected me. She also decided to homeschool me until I was 11.

Growing up in that situation took its toll on my developing brain and body. On the outside I adapted well as I was very smart and quite gifted as a kid. I learned how to perform in school and in church. I kept my home life a secret.

People who knew my mom knew something wasn’t right - but I felt a pressure to protect my parents and so I put on a happy face. As I got older I continued to perform well despite the inner turmoil.

But the body is not...

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Heal for Real Podcast Episode 94 - EHS 2023 Graduate Panel

Buckle up for this conversation with a few of the most recent Embodied Healing Systems Graduates: Andrea Fleming, Denita Bremer & Amber Taylor.

We talked:

  • Learning with your full body
  • Being a unique individual in your work,
  • What happens in the group field of healing and learning
  • What it's like to experience your nervous system full-on after being in freeze
  • Why intellectual stimulation and REAL nervous system education is essential ...and so much more. 

Honestly the caliber of practitioners inside EHS is second to none and this conversation is a taste of the kind of work we do on the regular inside the School.  

After all - this is a school for the deeper, smarter, more switched on practitioners.

Apply here for This Round of The school of Embodied Healing Systems: 

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My Story & Why The School of Embodied Healing Systems is so Important to Me

We are in the final days to enrol in this round of The School of Embodied Healing Systems. I wanted to share with you a little more of my story and the vision behind The School of Embodied Healing Systems.


Listen to this episode if you want to know more about me, my personal story, and the vision of EHS.


And if you are on the fence about The School of Embodied Healing Systems - you will DEFINITELY want to hear this one!

Book Your Call for The School of Embodied Healing Systems:

Email Me: [email protected]

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Heal For Real Podcast-Episode 82-Let’s talk about what it means to be trauma informed

Talk of trauma and the nervous system is on the rise in the coaching and personal development industry and on the one hand that’s great. More people becoming aware of trauma is what the world needs. 


And, on the other hand, we want to make sure that if we are using words like trauma-informed that we are truly trauma-informed. 


So let’s look at 3 key elements I’ve defined for a trauma-informed practitioner as well as some specific skills that are a foundational starting point for anyone working with trauma.  I’ll also talk about how Embodied Healing Systems will help you learn and apply these elements and skills. 


Book your application call with me for The School of Embodied Healing Systems here (enrolment closes on July 31st):
Follow me on Instagram Here: 

Email me here: [email protected] 

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Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 81 - The Hope of Repair in a Culture of Management

This week on the podcast I'm sharing with you the foundational paradigm for this work I do! And that paradigm is the hope and potential of repair when it comes to trauma, our bodies and even our communities and our world. 

I am sharing with you this idea in contrast to what I believe is a culture of management. 

I share what the fundamental differences are between a paradigm of repair and management. And I also share about how a management paradigm can be damaging over long periods of time for the nervous system. 

I get a little philosophical in this episode - because I believe that we as practitioners and as people who care about our lives and communities need to be thinking about the paradigms and philosophies that we are bringing to our world.

Email me: [email protected] 
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Book your consultation for the School of Embodied Healing Systems (Enrolment ends July 31st) : ...

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Heal For Real Podcast- Episode 78 - EHS Graduate Panel

This week on the podcast, I have some of the beautiful graduates of The School of Embodied Healing Systems here to share their experience of the 10-month practitioner training.

They talk about their expectations and their experience of the school, how what they’ve learned and experienced has transformed their businesses and lives, and how this work has led them to deeper clarity around their own unique, individual work!

Enjoy the episode.

Apply for The School of Embodied Healing Systems here:
Follow Shyla on Instagram here:
Work With Shyla 1-1 here:
Email Shyla here: [email protected]

Doreen Korba
Visit Doreen’s Website:
Listen to the Millionaire Mama’s Podcast:
Visit Doreen’s Instagram Here: 


Dr. Michele Pfannenstiel
Check out Michele’s flagship...

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[Heal for Real Podcast Episode 74] Interview With A Client - Louise Lewis


This week on the podcast I have another interview with an incredible client. Louise Lewis is a trauma informed Life Coach. She is an incredibly intelligent and wonderful person with a heart of gold! 


Prior to becoming a coach, she worked as a Tax Litigation Solicitor (Lawyer) in the Big 4 for over a decade.


In October 2018, Louise changed the direction of her life and has done the work to find out what was at the root of some of the stressful patterns that were creating cycles of burnout.

Louise has completed a diploma in transformation coaching practice, trained in positive intelligence, human design and she is also a student in the School of Embodied Healing Systems.

She has coached dozens of clients for over 1000 hours and has been accredited by the International Coach Federation.

In this conversation we talk about her journey of healing before meeting me, and how our work together has helped her at the level of the body. We also talk about my...

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