Heal For Real Podcast-Episode 82-Let’s talk about what it means to be trauma informed

Talk of trauma and the nervous system is on the rise in the coaching and personal development industry and on the one hand that’s great. More people becoming aware of trauma is what the world needs. 


And, on the other hand, we want to make sure that if we are using words like trauma-informed that we are truly trauma-informed. 


So let’s look at 3 key elements I’ve defined for a trauma-informed practitioner as well as some specific skills that are a foundational starting point for anyone working with trauma.  I’ll also talk about how Embodied Healing Systems will help you learn and apply these elements and skills. 


Book your application call with me for The School of Embodied Healing Systems here (enrolment closes on July 31st): www.shylacash.com/embodiedhealingsystems
Follow me on Instagram Here: www.instagram.com/growhealchange 

Email me here: [email protected] 


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