Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 95 - What I'm Going Through & The Ones That Brought Me Here

So I woke up this morning brimming with gratitude for the integration and activation that's happening within me.

And I am just thinking about all the amazing people that have been divinely put on my path that planted seeds in my spirit.

And I had an overwhelming desire to share it all.

Well this is easily the most vulnerable - and longest live stream I have ever done.

This is the replay of the original stream on INSTA.

It's about what I’m going through and the people that brought me here…

Wow I was not expecting this to go on as long as it did - but it did!

And I was not expecting to be brought to tears - okay maybe I was lol! But not that much…

I share what I’m moving through and integrating and what is coming through me. I also share some of the key people along the way that have made such a difference in my life. Not all the key people of course but the ones that came to mind.

I talked about the deep feelings of self-disgust and self-loathing that kept me from seeing myself as I truly was for years - and how meaningful it is to me that I have had people divinely brought into my path to speak truth into my being.

And also some heavy hitting moments with my mom that really formed part of who I am.

Enjoy and leave a comment if this resonates for you!

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