Heal for Real Podcast - Episode 81 - The Hope of Repair in a Culture of Management

This week on the podcast I'm sharing with you the foundational paradigm for this work I do! And that paradigm is the hope and potential of repair when it comes to trauma, our bodies and even our communities and our world. 

I am sharing with you this idea in contrast to what I believe is a culture of management. 

I share what the fundamental differences are between a paradigm of repair and management. And I also share about how a management paradigm can be damaging over long periods of time for the nervous system. 

I get a little philosophical in this episode - because I believe that we as practitioners and as people who care about our lives and communities need to be thinking about the paradigms and philosophies that we are bringing to our world.

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Healing from Trauma is Rebirth

Healing from trauma is rebirth.
Of soul and body.
It’s coming home.
It’s listening to the truth - that comes from inside your cells and DNA.
It is a deep surrender and letting go of what once allowed you to survive and now causes you hindrance and pain and trauma re-enactment.
It’s a deep breath of alignment into your sacred geometry.
It’s the revelation your nervous system experiences of the felt-sense that “it’s over, and I’m alive”
It is reclaiming your place in the world, and realizing you belong and indeed have a purpose within it - a contribution.
It’s your altar of letting go of the projections of fear and shame of your family tree, and stand in who you actually are.
It is your heroes journey - your individualized journey that only you can travel - though trustworthy guides lift you up along the way and share themselves with you.
And there are seasons of this rebirth, you dive into some deep patterns...
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Let yourself FEEL the cells, the skin, the blood flowing to your heart, the breath flowing to your lungs. THIS is life darling. THIS is life. And it’s okay.

I cried while I was running today. When I first started seriously working out (swimming twice per day), I was on the cusp of some major breakthroughs in my life and I swam twice a day to cope with what I was losing (a codependent relationship, some unhealthy friendships, my own irresponsibility tendencies and emotional leeching). I didn’t know it then, but I was running from myself. It happened to be a rather healthy way to “escape” - or at least it seemed to be for me at the time. This was before I knew what I know now about nervous system healing, emotional scaffolding, titration, and the physiological survival response of trauma. I was doing what I could with what I had. I was trying to hold onto my core - or find my core self. Find my independence after being enmeshed with unhealthy parents and carrying that forward into my life as an adult with friendship and intimate relationship dynamics that mirrored the trauma bonds of my upbringing.

What I started...

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