Healing from Trauma is Rebirth

Healing from trauma is rebirth.
Of soul and body.
It’s coming home.
It’s listening to the truth - that comes from inside your cells and DNA.
It is a deep surrender and letting go of what once allowed you to survive and now causes you hindrance and pain and trauma re-enactment.
It’s a deep breath of alignment into your sacred geometry.
It’s the revelation your nervous system experiences of the felt-sense that “it’s over, and I’m alive”
It is reclaiming your place in the world, and realizing you belong and indeed have a purpose within it - a contribution.
It’s your altar of letting go of the projections of fear and shame of your family tree, and stand in who you actually are.
It is your heroes journey - your individualized journey that only you can travel - though trustworthy guides lift you up along the way and share themselves with you.
And there are seasons of this rebirth, you dive into some deep patterns...
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Do you feel like a weak and frail little girl, vulnerable to the world?

Oftentimes, I feel like a weak little girl.
And then I resist, and defend against the archetype of the small abused girl who just needed a mom.
And in my thrashing against her, she takes hold.
Chokes out my power.
And makes sure that I see. That I remember… she is me.

But she is only part of me.
It is in my resistance to her presence that I find myself at her beck and call on either side of the spectrum (resistant, defensive and rigid OR small and frail and unable to direct the flow of my own life).

The shadows take hold when we refuse to acknowledge their presence.

She is only part of me - she is neither bad nor good. Simply a neutral part of my emotional, physical and spiritual body which demands to be explored and most importantly… integrated. We all carry with us these fragile frail parts. And the first instinct is always to resist.

The stable, powerful adult woman seemingly has no need/time/energy to open the door to the fragile, unprocessed pieces of distant...

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