Managing vs. Healing

Driven, ambitious people are scrappy, super smart and willing to do what it takes. Entrepreneurs are resourceful.
That’s why I love working with them.
If you’re entrepreneurial and working to bring your vision to the world, then you are the type that will go the extra mile and push through! You’re made that way.
You have grit and tenacity and you’ll get back up and fight for your dreams. You’ll fight to build a better life for yourself and you’ll work hard to do it. (Ask me how I know darling!)
When you have trauma patterns in your nervous system and cells from childhood, or other life circumstances, this pushing through is a way to MANAGE something deeper. While it works as a temporary solution, over time it begins to take a greater toll.
Where pushing through body heaviness, anxiety, high functioning depression, chronic fatigue and pushing down memories to get things done was once very do-able - as we age it becomes less and less...
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Human Design and Alignment

As a generator (Human Design) understanding what I specifically am here to build has been such an incredible journey and has really transformed my relationship to my work.
I have always loved work, excellence, ambition and achievement. I am a nature loving spiritual woman who will whip out a healing prayer in our coaching session, AND I love work, the heat of ambition, business and goals and success. I love entrepreneurship, and advancement and innovation.
To me, work, when stripped down to its purest form is a sacred contribution we make to the world. We didn’t come here to do nothing. We came here to create, make things, make magic and collaborate with others.
Greatness is in each of us (yes I absolutely believe that!!!!)
Lately my work flow has taken on a life of its own.
I have a 1-1 practice, a certification school, and a mastermind which I currently run. I’m also writing LOTS of stuff (Book of Healing Prayers, memoir, screenwriting) And yet, what I...
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You are a Divine Being!

The human body is a miracle...
You are a divine being.
I simply refuse to subscribe to the idea that all the ailments and issues plaguing our modern world are random.
It's not how nature works.
There is rhythm. There is harmony. There is a system in place.
We once knew this, but we have forgotten.
And now, The Divine and all of nature is asking us to remember - showing us clues.
The human body is nature & spirit. When your body receives what it needs, it will work for you.
It will move into healing and repair.
Deep Healing is not about fixing what is wrong, but about remembering what is right. And coming back into harmony with that rightness which exists inside of you already!
When we can re-shape this paradigm, the landscape of health will change radically (This is why I created my certification school, @embodiedhealingsystems - waitlist link in bio).
Healing is not just possible - it is what you are designed to do.
Remember. Remember. Remember.
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Sacred Geometry

Let’s talk about sacred geometry!
Sacred Geometry is a beautiful way to understand ALIGNMENT. It’s the understanding that there are basic, underlying patterns and shapes which form the rhythms and flows of life.
These patterns are simple in that they usually begin with a basic shape, and mysterious because as the basic shape is duplicated or combined with other shapes, they take on a complexity that mimics the harmonic rhythms of all physical and spiritual life.
What does this have to do with your healing and alignment?
Well, if you’ve ever had a sense of destiny. If you’ve ever felt that you had a path you were meant to walk here on earth. If you’ve had a sense of sacred calling on your life, then you have tapped into your sacred geometry!
Human bodies have sacred geometry also. This includes your actual skeletal structure, cellular structure and organ positioning.
To go deeper, DNA is sacred geometry, snowflakes are sacred geometry. Water...
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Are you scared and intimidated around people you perceive as strong, powerful, smarter, or more accomplished than you?

Are you scared and intimidated around people you perceive as strong, powerful, smarter, or more accomplished than you?

I have felt this way sooooo many times

In fact it’s an area that I am CONSTANTLY working on within myself.

The little traumatized child in me wants to quiver and shake and fawn because that’s what I did as a little one to survive in my home around a mom who couldn’t handle the threat of someone’s light shining in her presence.

Thankfully after stumbling around in the beginning, I’ve managed to find some footing here.

What most of us do is feel weak and small and contemptuous - and then jealous - and then angry at ourselves and then feel like we shouldn’t feel that way and try and puff our chests to seem like we’re really not that vulnerable. I’ve done that a lot in my life.

And then? We think it’s so disgusting that we could allow ourselves to feel that way AGAIN after a childhood of making ourselves smaller - we...

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