On this episode of the podcast I have an incredible woman, entrepreneur, mother and shining star joining me for an interview! One of my beautiful clients - Doreen Korba!  Doreen is a life and business coach who became an entrepreneur after 15 years as a marketing executive. She also holds a Masters Degree in counseling psychology. Doreen helps her clients have time and financial freedom with mindset and business strategy tools. She is a wife and mom of 4 beautiful children.


She works with me 1-1 and is also part of the first class of my certification program, Embodied Healing Systems.

Listen to this episode to hear a little bit of Doreen’s story of grief and loss as well as what her experience has been like with the somatic, trauma healing work that we do in our coaching together. She shares how the work has helped her in her life and business journey. 

She also shares what she is getting out of Embodied Healing Systems that is helping her in her own...

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Spiritual Practice & Embodiment in Business

For me, relying too much on logic in business creates a point of diminishing returns.
Logic is not the only element to life - it’s important for sure - but our mental logic is limited to our current paradigm! And this is a major flaw of the logic-only way of entrepreneurship.
To me, spiritual practice & embodiment is what brings the HEAT - as in the life force energy to business.
Business is about being in the market place, assessing need, contributing your gifts, creating things, connection, vision, faith and confidence and a lot more than logic.
For me business is also about flowing in harmony with the energetic current. I do have a second line in my Human Design Profile (sacral generator 5/2) which means things must be harmonious and NATURAL for me.
It doesn’t mean things can never be uncomfortable, it just means that discomfort needs to be in alignment with creating more ease in the long run. So the discomfort is about detoxing from old ways of being...
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Repairing Relational Trauma

At its core, repairing relational trauma as in complex and childhood trauma (including family dysfunction) requires intimacy. New experiences with intimacy and being seen in new and safe ways.
That’s messy business! 🥰
It FEELS messy and chaotic. It’s not something you can mindset your way into - or intellectualize or talk around.
Sure there’s some mindset involved - but the actual healing and renegotiation work is body stuff. Plain and simple.
The work I do with clients is about tapping into those intimacy and relational patterns at their core.
I work with super smart, ambitious, talented tender hearted people who have been able to figure ALOT of things out with their minds and mindset, and even some emotional work.
They’ve built lives they are proud of and thankful for and accomplish more than most - others wonder how they can do it all….
And yet?
They still have pockets of life that feel mysteriously challenging.
For example:
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You are a Divine Being!

The human body is a miracle...
You are a divine being.
I simply refuse to subscribe to the idea that all the ailments and issues plaguing our modern world are random.
It's not how nature works.
There is rhythm. There is harmony. There is a system in place.
We once knew this, but we have forgotten.
And now, The Divine and all of nature is asking us to remember - showing us clues.
The human body is nature & spirit. When your body receives what it needs, it will work for you.
It will move into healing and repair.
Deep Healing is not about fixing what is wrong, but about remembering what is right. And coming back into harmony with that rightness which exists inside of you already!
When we can re-shape this paradigm, the landscape of health will change radically (This is why I created my certification school, @embodiedhealingsystems - waitlist link in bio).
Healing is not just possible - it is what you are designed to do.
Remember. Remember. Remember.
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I’m writing a memoir, and in that process I’ve been reflecting on lots of moments in my healing journey. On this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing one of those moments with you. An important time in my life 8 or 9 years ago when I healed the top layers of depression, freeze, and paranoid delusions. It was both a physical and spiritual experience. 




Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange 


Email me: [email protected] 


Apply to Work With Me 1-1: www.shylacash.com 


Join the SUPERNOVA Mastermind: www.shylacash.com/supernova 

Video Version of My Cover of Adele’s I Drink Wine From Her New Album 30: https://www.facebook.com/515586732/videos/585378659412257/

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In your Heart, there is a Seed

In your heart of hearts there is a seed.
A seed of destiny that longs to grow through you.
This seed is what pulls you inward to itself... it is what gives you the strength to face your darkest shadows and deepest fears.
In the beginning, this delicate seed in the chamber of your heart is private and delicate. It can only be touched by gentle hands and witnessed with gentle eyes.
But as it is fed and watered by both you and the Divine, it grows strong and powerful. And your destiny starts to take shape in the sacred geometry of your life, love and business.
When you forget about this seed, life begins to feel dry and forceful and pushed. Things simply dry up and feel brittle. Sometimes they even hurt. When we grow impatient we leave the chamber of the heart where we have been nourishing this seed of destiny. Where we have been faithfully pulling up the weeds that threaten to strangle it...
And we seek something out there... the next business goal......
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Rupture & Repair - You Need to Understand this to Break Toxic Patterns After A Traumatic Childhood

Rupture and Repair is a concept I first discovered from Dr. Allan Schore's work a few years ago. 

It is a framework for understanding resiliency (the ability to come back from difficult situations personally and in relationships with others) and how empathy acts as a foundational component of life and health. 

When we understand the concept of rupture and repair - we start to understand trauma and it's deeper impact on life and work. All relationships will have ruptures.  The ruptures themselves are not even what causes trauma... it is a rupture without repair which causes trauma. 

In dysfunctional families - most or all (depending on the distance of the caregivers) ruptures go un-repaired. This impacts the brain functioning, physical and biological health, and emotional health of the child and causes the child to live in a state of "FRAGMENTATION" - a fancy way of saying that children who live in unsafe childhood homes essentially live separated from themselves and...

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