BONUS PODCAST - Episode 54 - The Queen's Gambit!

Queen’s Gambit is the epitome of a high-performer grappling with childhood trauma. Beth, brilliant, excels in school, and a wonderful gift/obsession of playing chess.

However, to break the chains of sabotage, and to allow herself the true win that she desires - she’s got to wade through addiction, sorrow, abandonment and loneliness. 

Join me as I share parallels between Beth Harmon's Journey and our journey as High Performers Healing from Trauma.

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Bonus Podcast Episode  - Queen’s Gambit 


Queen’s Gambit is the epitome of a high-performer grappling with childhood trauma. Beth, brilliant, excels in school, and a wonderful gift/obsession of playing chess.


However, to break the chains of sabotage, and to allow herself the true win that she desires - she’s got to wade through...

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