Life Force Energy, Survival, Repression, Raw Expression

❤️‍🔥💃🏾Life force energy, survival energy, repression, raw expression! ❤️‍🔥💃🏾

Most people are repressed. It’s just the truth.

Most people are terrified of the absolute full force of their life energy.

Especially if you’ve spent a life time being pushed back, held back and then doing it to yourself on repeat without even knowing it.

It’s not your fault.

Other people are scared of your life energy too.

So there’s another reason to mask and repress it and suppress it until your bones ache and you’re so bored with yourself that you wanna self sabotage to at least feel alive in the chaos.

The only problem? The more you repress the more you self-destruct.

The body wasn’t designed for that.

It was designed for expression - it was designed for flow. The body is an electrical conductor that carries energy to your organs, your DNA, your brain stem and every cell in your body.

This is trauma - the survival energy pent up and stored in your body that keeps your from being fully ALIVE in all your glory.

And if that energy hasn’t been felt, expressed, allowed, and USED - you’re operating at 10% of your power.

It’s called freeze, perfectionism, toxic shame , societal norms, codependency and dorsal-vagal shut-down.

I’ve been there - I spent the first 20 years of my life there. And I had the paranoid delusions, reactive attachment, involuntary leg movements, codependency and severe ADHD to show for it. Did I mention the self-disgust and self-hate that I didn’t even know was there?

Until the dam broke open and out flowed the rivers of life that had been in my body all along.

I lived from the neck up. Up up up.

No access to the fire in my belly, or the force of my wild heart, or the power of my legs to break through the programming of learned helplessness.

The truth is when you access your life energy it doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel safe. it’s so powerful - because it’s the raw survival stress that’s been pent up in your body for decades.

It is a force that needs to be learned.

The way every super hero harnesses his power.

And as a coach, if you’re not in your life energy and helping your clients access their own pure, raw full life energy, it’s going to feel harder and more draining.

Life energy brings miracles into the coaching room.

It brings overflowing prosperity.

It brings VITALITY to life and business.

And honestly - it’s what life is about. It’s what it’s always been about.

You’ve been searching high and low - and the power was there in your cells the whole time.

You’ve been walking around in the most high-powered weapon, the most sophisticated technology known to man - your nervous system!

And now? Let’s tap the flow of that system and bring the power to every part of your life and business.

The Life Force Experience - Live!

Here’s what we’re doing
🌹Rip open that fiery heart of yours and let it speak to the world in your true voice
🌹Tap the God-Given life energy in your body to create, sell and launch in step with the natural rhythms of nature and flow
🌹Experience the regenerative technology built into your cells
🌹Go deep into connection with your spirit, intuition and God
🌹Experience the science of the nervous system come alive in your body
🌹Feel deeply embodied in the work you do as a sacred leader
🌹Tap your nervous system to serve your clients from embodied presence and facilitate miracles with ease
🌹Harness your body’s rhythm to launch in step with the life force of who you are
🌹Expand your capacity for prosperity, wealth and money flow
🌹Live from the higher spiritual laws and rhythms that govern all of life
🌹Answer the destiny call that you’ve felt since before you can remember

And so much more!

You don’t want to miss this event - you’re gonna experience your body in a whole new way darling!

Wednesday, July 12th 7:00pm EST you want to be live for this!


50% Complete

Two Step

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