Haal for Real Podcast, Episode 92 - Leaning into Fear

Recently I went through something terrifying that would have absolutely taken me out before I built the nervous system that I have now.

AND I am so glad that I had the tools and knowledge to support me to get through it and keep me sane.

Fear & stress is part of the game when you’re an ambitious, high-performing entrepreneur. It’s part of life - there’s no way of getting around that!

But you CAN navigate fear in a way that leads to more capacity, more health and deeper purpose?

This episode is all about leaning into fear but with a nervous system spin!

Here’s what I cover:

  • What is happening in your body when you feel fear and do it anyway?
  • Is it true that everything you want is outside of your comfort zone? 
  • The Body’s Fear/Stress Cycle and How to Interrupt it so you can overcome fear and 
    achieve your dreams
  • Supplements that I recommend for times of edgy expansion and growth
  • How to Support Your Physical Body to let go of stress and stop bracing
  • And one mindset tip to use as you support your body

8 Week Nervous System Jumpstart for High-Performers: www.shylacash.com/jumpstart 
Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange 
Embodied Advantage Facebook Group: 

Supplements Mentioned:

Magnesium Bisglycinate
Magnesium Malate
Magnesium L-Threonate
Magnesium Citrate 




Methylated B Complex


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