One Underestimated Yet Powerhouse Mineral for Trauma Recovery

 When it comes to trauma recovery of any kind (complex PTSD, PTSD, Attachment Trauma, Shock Trauma) - there is no magic pill.

However, when we use the RIGHT components together, in the right order, consistently, we can speed up our recovery.

Remember that trauma represents a lack of resources whether those resources be energy, attachment, nutrients, or essential minerals and nutrients. When we are dealing with trauma we are dealing with a body that has suffered under the weight of too much, too soon, too fast with too little resources, for too long.

So let's talk about one powerful, game-changing resource when it comes to trauma healing: Magnesium! 

What is magnesium?
Magnesium is a mineral - an essential nutrient for the health of the human body

It is required for nerve function, blood pressure regulation, blood pressure, making protein, bone & DNA (National Institute of Health). Most importantly, It is a primary mineral that is utilized during the stress response....

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The Nourishing Food of Nervous System Education

I was about 6 years into my healing journey when I discovered the role the nervous system plays in healing from trauma and chronic stress. By healing journey, I mean healing from a childhood of abuse and neglect. Side effects of being raised by a mom whose unresolved childhood trauma led to paranoid schizophrenia, NPD and manic depression.

My journey started with therapy. At around 18, I found myself in the office of an angel who helped me understand that my home was not normal. That it was, in fact, abusive. She gave me a check list for abuse and I checked off almost everything on it.

It was her that helped me realize I needed to move away from my parents home.

After that, things were not all well and good. I was a mess - and chose to put myself in messy relationships with messy people. I was dysfunctional inside. But I worked hard at my retail job, I participated in church leadership, and I did well in college as an honour roll student.

I had a boyfriend who was dealing with severe...

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[PODCAST EPISODE 43] - The Weight of Your Life

Whose responsibility is it to bear the weight of your life? 

We're getting philosophical in this episode to discuss one of the most important universal laws and its application to healing and transforming your life from the ground up.

Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Work with me:
Email me: [email protected]

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Life, Healing, It's All About Opening

Life, Healing... It’s all about opening. 

Last night I had a surge of sadness move through my full body for seemingly “no reason”. I wept. This morning I had the same. I wept. Full body chest weeping and heart-opening. It is what it is. No resistance. No shame. No fear.

Gone are the days of resistance to what is.

Gone are the days of resisting the full body nervous system and spiritual release.
I wonder if we’ve become so sanitized to what we should be feeling and thinking that we’ve forgotten what we ARE actually feeling and thinking in this moment.
When you’re beginning the journey of healing, you’re beginning the journey of opening. And when you’re opening, at first, you don’t want to rip the thing open because what will explode out may explode you and cause you to hurriedly seal that thing back on shut and keep on going through the motions.

But as time goes on and as you grow, the opening process is much more fluid. The...
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What EXACTLY does it take to break through resistance and shame?

What EXACTLY does it take to break through resistance and shame?

The gap between here and there… the great divide… the dark forest… that thick foggy smog that must be traveled through to get to where you wanna go.

How exactly do you get there?
And… before you start moving - how do you deal with the blanket of resistance and shame that keeps you laying low below desire?

One. Day. At. A Time Darling.
That’s it.

You don’t swallow that beast with all its fire whole on day one. It would explode you. 

You sit up, swing those legs over the bed. And do today’s work.
And today’s work is the absolute hardest to do isn’t it?

And what do I mean by work? I’m not talking about it in the traditional sense --- although maybe I am --- but what I really mean is the emotional and spiritual work. Going about the business of sorting out the chaos inside. Untangling that big heavy knot one string at a time.

Gently tugging.


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Pursuit - in and of itself - that's the magic

Pursuit… in and of itself - that is the magic. That is the divinity. That is the WHOLE point.
Not the pursuit of dreams from false-self. Not the pursuit in favour of validation or what we think we need to pursue to be worthy of existing.
But the pursuit of your divine vision - your inner calling and resonance, whatever that is for you.

THAT pursuit - is gold. And the pursuit itself will even HEAL you. At the deepest level. The healing and unfolding always happens in motion. The nature of life is change. The nature of life is movement and so is the nature of healing.

THAT pursuit will humble and electrify, and sculpt and mold and absolutely show you your own self more than anything else.

And by the time you have what you have pursued - you will continue the path ANYWAY. Because it was never about what you “wanted” it was never about the “goal” It was the doing itself - the reckoning of that. The making and the creating and the persisting and resisting and...

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