2021 Reading List

Just Made My Reading List for 2021
Here's the 10 books I'm reading:
  • The Originals - Adam Grant (this is required reading in one of the masterminds I'm in with my coach)
  • Polyvagal Theory in Therapy - Deb Dana
  • In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts - Gabor Mate
  • Scattered Minds - Gabor Mate
  • Lost Connections - Johann Hari
  • The Great Work of Your Life - Stephen Cope
  • Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers - Robert M Sapolsky
  • Tao of Fully Feeling - Pete Walker
  • Behave - Robert M Sapolsky
  • The Magician's Way - William Whitecloud
I love to re-read and study the written word.
To me, reading is a highly spiritual experience.
My mom was highly abusive - she homeschooled me - Tiger Mother to the Extreme - however, she placed high priority on reading and writing. That, combined with growing up Hardcore Christian Fundamentalist (high focus on bible reading and study) gave me a deep reverence and respect for words.

Funny how even the most brutal experiences can hold beauty, help us develop skills, and even unlock gifts within us. I don't speak to my mom, or go to church. And yet - I carry these skills and affinities that have actually saved my life many times - reading and writing being two of those affinities.
Reading is nourishment for the brain and body I believe - especially when we get embodied enough to digest the info into the cells. Then its an other worldly fusion.
What are you reading?

If you're not a big reader but want to be - I recommend starting with a short time commitment (10 minutes per day, and then 15 and so forth).

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